Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What is peritoneal mesothelioma Mean?

A feed can be found in the abdominal cavity. This food is known as the mesothelium. When the cells lining irregular set to start this with a multiplication, then the condition is called peritoneal mesothelioma. Peritoneal mesothelioma is also known as a region of cancer of the peritoneum. The exact cause of cancer in the region is still undecided, but researchers and doctors believe the condition is the result of constant exposure to asbestos. ThisCondition can Mesothelioma Cancer is considered a subdivision of asbestos. This opinion was drafted, when studies around the world held a high convergence of cancer to people who are constantly exposed to asbestos.

The peritoneal mesothelioma is known to support the staff fall impact in the 20 to 40 years. This is found one of the most common forms of cancer affecting a small percentage of the employee population. Swelling of the abdomen is the usualSymptom, because the lining covering the entire abdomen. Along with the swelling, the patient may experience pain in the region. Normally these are discarded as a working abnormalities. If you know some who work with asbestos, and the sufferings of the above symptoms, they should be subjected to medical tests to diagnose the condition.

Peritoneal mesothelioma is generally divided into two types. They are the dry and peritoneal mesotheliomathe wet peritoneal mesothelioma. It is these doctors to diagnose the condition is difficult, and it might require the assistance of trained doctors to study the scan report and solve their theory. Visible signs will be present and this is how doctors are known to diagnose the condition. The swelling may be caused by the accumulation of fluids in the innings. The initial phase of treatment involves the removal of accumulated fluids from the region, with the By appropriate surgical measures.

Even if an expert in the niche diagnoses of the condition, treatment options are the known cases in vain in most. The stages of infection, the cancer cells are divided into three stages. In the first phase, it is possible to extract the cancer cells from the infected area using surgical procedures. the abdominal cavity could already be infected and in the large second stage of treatment> Report options granted from this phase. With the help of appropriate medication, inhibited the growth of cancer cells in a high degree.

In the third and last step could be the cancer cells grow out of the abdominal cavity. It could have started infection near organs. The patient does not respond to treatment at this stage and doctors have been known to prescribe painkillers region to eliminate the pain. Chemotherapy is known to work inIn some patients. It totally depends on how the body responds to treatment. Doctors have cases where a patient in the third stage could be resumed because his body reacted to the chemotherapy sessions. When working with asbestos, protection of employees required to be equipped to prevent mesothelioma peritoneal dialysis.

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