Saturday, April 28, 2012

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

First Signs of Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is a major killer of men and women across the country. Air pollutants, secondhand smoke, cigarette smoking especially, and other causative factors contribute to the disease.

Most of us think that the lung cancer is mostly common among the cigarette smokers and it is true that the vast majority of cases are or were smokers. But there are non-smokers do get lung cancer and smokers who don't get it.

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Signs of lung cancer are often not apparent in the early stages. However it is better to identify lung cancer as possible.

First Signs of Lung Cancer

The most common early symptom of lung cancer is haemoptysis (coughing up blood). Consider this early symptom a warning sign of a cancer, which may be curable.

If you find that you are coughing up blood, you should immediately contact your doctor , especially if you are 40 years of age, or older, with a long-term smoking habit.

Some of the primary signs include:

* Hacking, persistent cough

* Coughing up blood

* Shortness of breath

* Wheezing

* Chest pain

* Lost appetite

* Lost weight

* Recurring bronchitis or pneumonia

The above symptoms also being the symptoms of many other lung problems, so it is always advisable to see a physician to ascertain the cause

Secondary signs of simple cell lung cancer include:

* Weakness

* Difficulty swallowing

* Changes in nails

* Hoarse or raspy voice

* High fever

* Swelling of facial features

It's true that most symptoms of lung cancer do not show themselves until the disease is in its advanced stages.

However, sometimes people exhibit signs early in the disease's development. It is imperative that the first notice of symptoms or concern sends you straight to the doctor.

The sooner treatment is begun, the better. A cure is possible if caught early enough and, if not, then a better quality of life and more of it.

When lung cancer spreads to other parts of the body, organs and bones, referred to as 'metastasizing', signs and symptoms include:

* Aching and sharp bone pain

* Changes in the brain that exhibit themselves through weakness, numbness, dizziness, and seizure

* Jaundice (whites of eyes, nails, and skin yellow

* Masses near the skin's surface

* Headaches

* Numbness and loss of sensation in your extremities

All of these signs and symptoms of lung cancer may be caused by other health problems. The only way to know for sure is to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

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Learn More About Smoking and Lung Cancer [] and Other Causes

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Saturday, April 21, 2012

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Monday, April 16, 2012

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Friday, April 13, 2012

What Are the Early Warning Signs of Lung Cancer?

What is Lung Cancer?

Lung cancer is almost always caused by cigarette smoking. Many times it's not diagnosed until the later stages of the disease which normally means that it has already spread to other tissue and organs. It's also the leading cause of cancer deaths in the US in both men and women which is sad as the risks of developing it significantly decrease if a person does not smoke.

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What are the early warning signs?

What Are the Early Warning Signs of Lung Cancer?

Lung cancer has many symptoms however some of the earliest signs can be mistaken for common everyday illnesses. Many of the symptoms of lung cancer do not show up until the cancer is in a later stage. Some of the early warning signs can include:

o Persistent Cough
o Recurrent Bronchitis or Pneumonia
o Loss of Appetite, Weight Loss
o Chest Pain

Some of the additional symptoms of Lung Cancer are listed below. While having any of these symptoms does not mean you have cancer, a Dr. should be consulted if you are suffering from any of the following:

o Fever without a known reason
o Abnormal Chest X-ray
o Coughing Up Blood
o Hoarseness
o Chronic Shortness of Breath

If you are suffering from any or several of these symptoms and you are a current or former smoker, you should contact your physician and schedule an appointment to have an examination. There are tests that can be done to determine the cause of your symptoms and these tests can either diagnose or rule out lung cancer. Some of the tests available include a blood count test, X-ray as well as bone scan or sputum exam.


If you are a smoker and are concerned about any of the symptoms you are experiencing remember the sooner you are diagnosed the better. Cancer can spread very rapidly and by beginning treatments as soon as possible you can improve your chance of survival.

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They say a picture is worth a thousand words. To see for yourself the harsh reality of what cancer can do, please visit: Pictures of Lung Cancer as soon as possible. These images will show you why it's so important to stop smoking as soon as possible. is a website that's dedicated in helping people quit smoking.

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Monday, April 2, 2012

Best Treatment Options for Mesothelioma

Finding the Best Solutions for this Tricky Cancer

When you are dealing with Mesothelioma, you don't have a lot of different options for treatment in most cases. The way that this condition presents, combined with its known latency period that can last between 4 and 5 decades, makes it very difficult to treat effectively. Patients can experience many types of this condition, and while 75% of cases present in the lungs, it can also be diagnosed in the abdomen or heart. Finding the right treatment is all about understanding the type of Mesothelioma that is present, its stage of development, and where it is located in the body.

Mesothelioma Treatment Options

Avoid Misdiagnosis

Best Treatment Options for Mesothelioma

This is a very uncommon cancer in the grand scheme of things. Therefore, it often goes undiagnosed for a long time, or it is misdiagnosed because the odds of actually having it are so rare. Once a suspected diagnosis of Mesothelioma is present, the doctor will order tests to figure out exactly what is going on. Make sure that if you have had exposure to asbestos in your lifetime and you present with common symptoms, you note this so that you have a better chance of getting the right diagnosis for more effective treatment options.

The Prognosis

Mesothelioma doesn't have a particularly good outlook for patients who are suffering from the condition. There are plenty of elements that affect your survival rate and initial prognosis, including things like:

-The size and stage of the cancer

-Whether surgery is an option

-The type of Mesothelioma that is diagnosed

-The age and health of the patient

-Initial diagnosis vs. a secondary case after treatment and remission

Treatment Solutions

There are many different treatment options for this condition, depending on various factors like those mentioned previously. In most cases, radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery are the standard treatment options. Of course, this cancer usually requires an aggressive combination treatment for the best possible results.


There are four types of surgery that are used to treat Mesothelioma. An excision will remove the cancer and some of the healthy tissue to make sure that the cancer is completely gone. This is effective, but rarely an option because the cancer has spread too far by the time of diagnosis. Pluerectomy and decortication, which is a procedure that removes the lining of the lungs and other areas that are affected, is another option. In some cases, doctors will remove an entire lung, as well as parts of the diaphragm and the lining of the pericardium, which protects the heart. The final procedure involves using chemicals and drugs to create scarring in the lung lining. That stops the buildup of fluid in this disease.

Radiation Therapy:

Like most cancers, Mesothelioma can be treated using radiation in many cases. This helps kill the cancer cells, but can cause a lot of side effects that are less than desirable. Because of the advanced stage that is usually present at diagnosis, most people require aggressive radiation therapy combined with medications or surgery to get the best treatment possible.


Chemotherapy, which is administered orally or by injection, is effective at stopping the cells from growing and spreading. This treatment can be done with pills, IV treatments, or intramuscular injections, which will help ensure that the cells are killed or stopped in the right area. In many cases, combination chemotherapy is employed because multiple drugs have a better chance of killing the disease than a single drug alone

Choosing the Right Treatment

It starts by talking to your doctor and developing a treatment plan. The type of Mesothelioma that you have, combined with other factors, will determine the right solution for your best prognosis.

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Bob Hartzell is a freelance writer who writes on topics of education, health and law. More recently he has focused on small cell lung cancer as it pertains to mesothelioma cancer.

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