Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Pleural mesothelioma Compensation Settlement Info - Video Kazan Law is one of the oldest dedicated pleural mesothelioma litigation firms. In fact, we are among the most experienced law firms in all cases, mesothelioma and asbestos. Come to our website and learn more about important facts and mesothelioma treatment options. We are the premiere of pleural mesothelioma litigation firm. Visit or call 877.622.5246 today.

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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

High incidence of malignant pleural mesothelioma in Australia

Australia has the highest per capita rate of mesothelioma cases. The worst, experts say, is yet to come, the majority of mesothelioma cases in Australia are of the type malignant pleural mesothelioma. The majority of cases have taken the disease from exposure to asbestos under contract. When asbestos fibers or asbestos dust is inhaled through the nose and moves down through the respiratory system. Then settles in the lungs. The lungs have a lining, such as thosemesothelium lining. If this food comes into contact with asbestos fibers, it starts behaving in a funny way.

It starts fast and Division, it also starts with a long life. This leads to tumors in the lungs and this condition is known as pleural mesothelioma. This may cause cancer) (malignant pleural mesothelioma or non-cancer (benign pleural mesothelioma). Australia has a very high number of malignant pleural mesothelioma cases. This is avery terrible state and has no cure. Because the symptoms of this disease, including fever, cough, chest pain, etc. are often confused for other illnesses such as pneumonia, it is quite difficult to correctly diagnose this disease.

It is usually diagnosed only in the last stages of cancer. The patient lived almost a year after the diagnosis. Also, the latency period is very long from this disease. Latency is the time between exposure to asbestos and the occurrence of theseDisease. Bound, given the long latency period of about 20 to 30 years many times this disease is not spoken as asbestos. Australia has affected approximately 16 cases per million population of adults with mesothelioma every year. In addition, the number of mesothelioma cases among men is significantly higher than in women. Some 600 cases of mesothelioma are recorded each year in Australia. It is expected that within the next 10-15 years, some 13,000 more mesothelioma casesrecorded.

It is a high-risk group in Australia. The following people in Australia seem to be increasing in comparison to the rest of the population mesothelioma:

o City residents

O contractors and building workers

o Workers of shipbuilding and shipyard

o Railway

o Asbestos Workers

O plant employees.

Although Australia has such a high incidence of mesothelioma deaths, Australia is the world's pioneer in the Many companies in the medical research into mesothelioma. It has a new method of treatment that promises to reduce mortality to be found. Since there is no cure for this disease, it is better if detected early. The usual methods of treatment such as chemotherapy and surgery did not work in the last stages of cancer, so it is better if the disease is detected early as possible. The Australian researchers have invented a new screening test identify who can help> Of malignant pleural mesothelioma type. This can be used in high-risk group to identify early evidence of malignant pleural mesothelioma. The earlier the disease is diagnosed, the better the survival chances of the patient. The Australian researchers who are more and more research in the medical area of mesothelioma. Australia is a true pioneer of research into mesothelioma. It is a leader and role model for all other countries. AlthoughAustralia has so much to advance mesothelioma research, nor the future of Australia is done so bleak.

It is expected that the number of mesothelioma deaths in Australia will continue to soar until 2020. Thereafter it is expected that mesothelioma deaths continue to stop before it is finally back. This is mainly due to the long latency period of mesothelioma. So, are totally banned, even after all forms of asbestos, the effects ofAsbestos can feel later about 20 to 30 years. The only advantage of all the research is that the chances of survival for mesothelioma patients have increased.

Even the life of patients after the detection of the disease increased. Previously, the patient had little to live for a year. But now, through early diagnosis, has increased substantially. Australia should continue more research on mesothelioma for the global good conduct.You should try to make the medical science advance to new innovations in the treatment of mesothelioma. All other countries actively support and help Australia's efforts. Australia should also make available the fruits of their efforts for the whole wide world.

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Sunday, March 28, 2010

What You Need To Know About Benign Multicystic Mesothelioma

Benign multicystic mesothelioma is a form of non-cancer mesothelioma. Mesothelioma affects the mesothelium, a protective membrane that lines and protects most of the internal organs of the body, such as the lungs and heart. It produces a fluid that lubricates the organs and prevents friction when they are against other internal organs in the body. The lungs may, for example, shrink during breathing without the danger of an ever worn or tornwhen it rubs against other structures. As a form of cancer, mesothelioma is sometimes as if it malignant or benign.

Benign multicystic mesothelioma affects the peritoneal tissue of the abdomen. This is the lining that surrounds organs like the intestine, spleen and liver. It can also affect the pleura, the lining that covers the lungs. A person who will develop the disease with tumors in the affected areas. If the tumors grow, because theyDifficulty breathing or pain in the abdomen, because the additional pressure placed on the lung or the abdomen.


Making a diagnosis of benign multicystic mesothelioma is always a challenge because a patient can occur without symptoms. However, there are certain symptoms that show with the disease, like chest or abdominal pain, chronic cough, difficulty breathing or in moving bowels, shortness of breath, fever, nausea, vomiting,Anemia, swollen feet, fluid accumulation in the lungs or in the area of the abdomen and unexplained weight loss.

These symptoms appear to spread if the infection begins, or when the tumors grow too large. Complications can also occur when fluid from the pleura of the lungs and can cause serious damage to health.


As with the malignant form of mesothelioma, the cause of benign multicystic mesothelioma asbestos exposure. This represents affected employees inIndustries and occupations where asbestos manufactured or used at a high risk of developing the disease were. This includes people whose occupations belong to certain industries such as construction, demolition, automobile, shipbuilding, power plants, steel mills, refineries, factories, railroads and mining of asbestos.

Unfortunately, asbestos exposure, not only for workers in industries is limited at high risk. People may also be charged to asbestos exposure through drinking water, the use of productsVermiculite that contained as some pesticides and fertilizers, exposure to some of the older units contain asbestos or with a person who is exposed to the material. Asbestos fibers can cling to the skin of the worker's hair or clothing, and he or she can take her home, without knowing it.

Benign multicystic mesothelioma

Have people with this disease is suspected to undergo a physical examination. This will include a chest x-ray and CT scan of theaffected areas. Biopsies of tissue samples from the lungs or the stomach to be taken, even for determining whether a person has benign multicystic mesothelioma.

Once the diagnosis is made, prescribed a treatment option. Prognosis for people with benign multicystic mesothelioma is much better compared to other forms of mesothelioma. With early diagnosis and prompt treatment, patients can expect a better outcomePeople in comparison to the malignant form.


The goal of treatment of benign multicystic mesothelioma is to eliminate the cause of pain or discomfort. What therapeutic use options that will depend on the need for an immediate solution and on the severity of the disease. In this case, the goal of treatment is to remove the tumors. It is not always possible to remove all tumors in the affected area, but surgical removalto prevent the symptoms and relieve pain.

Chemotherapy can also be used to target the infected areas. With radiation therapy, tumors either shrank or destroyed with high energy beams. As a final solution for the disease, it is important that further exposure to asbestos either produce so extreme as to be limited only low risk to avoid exposure to light or even completely.

Benign multicystic mesothelioma is a very treatable disease. If you experiencehad one of the symptoms or have prior exposure to asbestos, it is always best to consult a doctor for a proper medical examination and diagnosis. This disease is not cancer, but it is still a risk to health and can prevent you complete your life. You may want to even get in touch with a lawyer to help you get a balance you have experienced the suffering.

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Friday, March 26, 2010

Treatment of Mesothelioma - Treatment Options - Video Here you will find information on the treatment of mesothelioma. Kazan Law Firm is one of the most experienced mesothelioma law firms in California, with customers around the world. On our website you can about the different types of asbestos fibers, asbestos-related diseases and to learn new mesothelioma treatment options. For more information, please call 877.622.5246 today.

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Mesothelioma - Support for asbestos-cancer-patient family Has your doctor diagnosed you with Mesothelioma? We are supporting the Registry for mesothelioma. In this video, we have been helping victims of asbestos since 1974. We have all the information you need to make an informed decision about legal counsel. Find out more about your treatment options, such as surgery, chemotherapy or clinical trials, all on our website. Call us at 877.622.5246 to discuss your case.

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Monday, March 22, 2010

Jenn chased by coyote - bicycle risk

Cycling in BC has risks, as they may be chased by a coyote?

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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sears National Kids Cancer Ride 2010 - C2C!

Christmas is coming and kids are excited about what they find under the tree from Santa. This is the time to reflect on some of the children who want to know just a normal life free of cancer, that they grow up a chance to be having to think. The economy is bad, we all have created uncertainty about the future, so now imagine a child suffering from cancer.

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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Mesothelioma Stomach Symptoms

Stomach or abdominal symptoms are often seen in patients with peritoneal mesothelioma. This type of mesothelioma is a cancer of the peritoneal cells, which depend on the belly. Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma are insidious and often tend to be mistaken for symptoms of more common, and often more benign, abdominal conditions. Peritoneal mesothelioma can therefore not diagnosed until it is quite advanced and is resistant to> Treatment.

Common abdominal symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma include nausea, vomiting and anorexia. A normal lump or swelling may be present. Such a lump or swelling may obstruct the bowel, causing constipation. Fluid can collect in the abdominal cavity, leading to flatulence and bloating. This accumulation of fluid in the abdomen is called ascites and is also seen in people with liver disease. The fluid is often drained to relieve the symptoms ofBloating and flatulence, excessive accumulation of fluid may impede normal breathing. The accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, and the pressure of a cancer that can impede the return of blood flow from the legs, causing swollen feet. This swelling of the extremities is also seen in kidney disease and pregnancy.

Some recent studies show a transient decrease in tumor mass and fluid collection following the introduction of certain substances shown in the abdominal cavity, butThese effects were shown on a small number of patients and should be researched.

Abdominal pain in peritoneal mesothelioma may be caused by the pressure exerted on the organs and nerves of a growing tumor, by stretching of the bowel or by infiltration of adjacent tissues and organs by cancer cells. Narcotic analgesics or radiotherapy are used to relieve severe pain. Abdominal discomfort and systemic effects of the disease can result in severe weight lossPeople with peritoneal mesothelioma. Fever and fatigue are also common.

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Friday, March 19, 2010

Mesothelioma Treatment Options, Los Angeles Asbestos Lawyers If you or a loved one is diagnosed with an asbestos-related diseases, what is the next step was? In this video, learn about asbestos and mesothelioma treatment options, and how our experience and expertise can help you. Learn about the different types of mesothelioma treatment options, Los Angeles residents. We have the support of victims since 1974 - today at 877.622.5246 for a no cost evaluation.

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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Miles for Meso - mesothelioma cancer Run / Walk miles for Meso is a run and walk in support of mesothelioma cancer awareness and research. Miles for Meso is presented by the law firm Simmons, a leader in the fight against mesothelioma for patients and families. All the money raised for Miles for Meso will benefit the research for better treatment options mesothelioma cancer and finding a cure.

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Monday, March 15, 2010

Mesothelioma Patient Legal Help and Support

We have all the information you need to make an informed decision about legal counsel. We are the law firm that helps mesothelioma patients. In this video, we have been helping victims of asbestos since 1974. Find out more about your treatment options, such as surgery, chemotherapy or clinical trials, all on our website. Call us to discuss your case.

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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Mesothelioma Treatment Options, Modesto Asbestos Lawyers If you or a loved one is diagnosed with an asbestos-related diseases, what is the next step was? In this video, learn about asbestos and mesothelioma treatment options, and how our experience and expertise can help you. Learn about the different types of mesothelioma treatment options, Modesto residents. We have the support of victims since 1974 - today at 877.622.5246 for a no cost evaluation.

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Friday, March 12, 2010

Mesothelioma Treatment Options

Mesothelioma treatment options vary depending on age and over-all health of the patient and the extent of the disease. Treatment options are often determined by the intensity of the damage caused by the tumor determined. There are three different staging systems currently in use pleural mesothelioma. Peritoneal mesothelioma is not staged.

There are a number of treatment options available to mesothelioma patients.Treatments can be broadly classified into traditional or conventional treatment, alternative methods are categorized new treatment approaches and other treatment. Nine out of ten cancer patients will find relief by using a combination of drugs.

Traditional treatment includes surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Age, health problems and suffering, or the advanced stage of the tumor can make it impossible to aggressive treatment. Under such conditions,alternative system is used. These special treatments are not generally used or approved by doctors. New therapeutic approaches are used in studies to determine whether new drugs or treatments are safe and effective.

Tri-modality therapy combines surgery with radiation and chemotherapy. Photodynamic therapy is a very experimental treatment with a drug that stimulates the cells to light. Immunotherapy, Haemotherapy, intra-pleural interferon gammaTherapy are just some of the various therapies. Gene therapy is an important tool in the context of research policy. Almita is a newly approved drug. Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) is another technique that allows for radiation doses will be delivered very complex shapes or with tumors adjacent normal structures.

Alternative systems such as homeopathy medicines, certain drugs, which improve the body's immune system develops mesothelioma counter. Specific Supplementsand metabolic therapy is also recommended. Complementary methods such as adhering to a vegetarian diet, exercise, vitamins, herbal remedies, or sometimes stress management can help a mesothelioma patient.

Treatment options for physical pain accompanying vary mesothelioma. Palliative care is a special form of care that relieves pain and other symptoms. The type of pain treatment, drugs, called pharmacological therapy. Non-pharmacologicalTherapies, those that are not based primarily on achieving a drug for the impact, therapeutic exercise and cognitive behavioral techniques such as deep breathing and relaxation of muscles. Other alternatives are acupuncture and massage therapy.

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Mesothelioma: legal implications

A brief overview

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that attacks the linings of the lungs and the intestinal tract, and also the bag to the heart. It is also called epithelial mesothelioma, as the membrane are involved in the pleura, the pericardium and peritoneum. It is not, per se, the lung cancer mesothelioma lung cancer, there was confusion in the past. Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that affects the lining of the lungs. Itcomes in three forms:

o Pleural Mesothelioma

o Peritoneal Mesothelioma

o Pericardial Mesothelioma

Causes of Mesothelioma

The main cause of mesothelioma exposure to asbestos. This can (direct occupational exposure or secondary exposure, where the victim by the asbestos that come into contact with someone who has already been exposed to asbestos exposure). Despite all the pain and loss that the workers are fighting toThere was some hope in the form of legal recourse. Workers started suing the plants, which she worked, and soon the legal battle against mesothelioma reached epic proportions. Even today there are about 3,000 cases of mesothelioma in the United States are diagnosed each year. While the treatment is painful and not always successful, these mesothelioma victims have at least the hope of financial compensation to help to fight them mesothelioma.

Thefirst manifestations of mesothelioma have been in the 1950s and the 1960s. At that time, the workers in plants and other work areas that were used asbestos in some form or other of the lethal side of asbestos is not aware of. The protection of these areas of work - docks, industrial plants, equipment manufacturers, and many more, the list is endless - and soon came to know the harmful effects of asbestos. However, for some reason they are silent thought. Its focus was on the reducedCould have costs and profits, as it seems, and they remained on the harmful effects of asbestos on their workers mum. Asbestos, finally had enormous advantages over other materials, making it so much, used irrespective of the genre of the industry. This has proved over the years into a very, to be very costly mistakes.

Mesothelioma Litigation - Did it help?

The effects of asbestos use are staggering, especially because of the range of products it is used in. FromOffice building on the car brakes toaster yards Asbestos was used in almost the entire width of the industrial sector. A publication in 1935 by the American Journal of Pulmonary Cancer - Asbestosis: Carcinoma of the lung in asbestosis, silicosis - first raised the suspicion of people from research and clinical applications, the connection between the presence of asbestos and the unusually high death rates and lung conditions in the industry. This connection was confirmed in1955, and soon know the further use of asbestos, although it was on its side, a deadly legal nightmare for the industrial sector. Mesothelioma lawsuits in the United States has to win it mesothelioma victims hundreds of thousands of dollars in lawsuits hardened by their employers. It is one of the successes in the fight against mesothelioma was indirectly, and against the irresponsible attitude of the management of workplaes that asbestos useddirectly.

The legal aspect of mesothelioma

Over the years, the legal benefits that mesothelioma victims have received, are enormous. Mesothelioma Symptoms manifest after the first inhalation of asbestos fibers. Mesothelioma treatment is painful and expensive. The compensation granted to them helped them to at least cover the medical expenses. Today, there are mesothelioma law firms - law firms,We specialize in mesothelioma. They have trained attorneys and mesothelioma, mesothelioma attorneys. These lawyers specialize in mesothelioma compensation cases.

It may happen that a victim afraid of appeals, because they fel they may not pay sufficient financial support to the lawyer. However, this is a scenario that they need not bother about. All they have to do is contact has a mesothelioma support mesothelioma support group or aGroup. They are present everywhere in the United States. The patient can also go online and put a search for mesothelioma legal assistance cells by mesothelioma, and then enter the name of the state or of areas which they use in the search engine of them. This is not a fixed rule - they can type in any order. For example - mesothelioma California, Texas, mesothelioma, mesothelioma attorney Texas, New York, mesothelioma,California mesothelioma lawyer, etc.

As the lawyers mesothelioma are so successful?

One of the basic things in awarding compensation to be decided for the judge or the jury to consider whether the damage was intentional or whether it is the result of an election, the victims of trafficking, in simple terms. In many cases, the fact of a victim a result of an election that he or she made. For example, in a smoking related cancer case, the choice was smoking by the victims of trafficking. However, inIn mesothelioma, the situation is different. The circumstance of mesothelioma in the victim could have been averted if only his employers had been more cautious, aware it had about the risks that brought the work, and then let him choose his side has what it needs to protect, to prevent him suspended asbestos. This is an area managed mesothelioma lawyers, mesothelioma lawyers is to work successfully.

AfterThe first slew of mesothelioma cases and processes, now laws are firmly in place to protect the health interests of workers. Except in the case of someone actually on mesothelioma, there are some guidelines to seek legal redress for them as well.'s Mesothelioma law strictly and help judgments in a fair remuneration mesothelioma cases.

Guidelines for the victims who Mesothelioma Legal Action

The primaryRule of thumb, while filing a mesothelioma claim that they are immediately brought to the diagnosis of the disease. In fact, in many states in the United States, mesothelioma regulated by law, the time frame may be filed within which an action is available. After diagnosis, you can apply a mesothelioma lawyer through your local mesothelioma activists or mesothelioma group for more information regarding mesothelioma lawsuits. Work a lawyer or mesothelioma, mesothelioma lawyer is not just limited to fight your case. A mesothelioma attorney usually has an extensive network of contacts - other victims, mesothelioma case histories, good facilities for treatment, type of treatment options available, in fact, for most of the information is mesothelioma. His specialization is a clear advantage over a lawyer who is not too much of an idea > Mesothelioma.

In addition, the government is to ensure that workers are safe from exposure to asbestos. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has passed laws providing for security and also in motion plans to ban and phase out the use of asbestos as far as possible down. You can find more information about this on the EPA website -

You can also browse the Internet for Mesothelioma related information,> Mesothelioma pictures, more information about asbestos, etc.


o http://www. mesothelioma. org



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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Pericardial Mesothelioma

Pericardial Mesothelioma is a rare form of mesothelioma that accounts for approximately 5% of all mesothelioma cases. Pericardial Mesothelioma is a cancer that grows inside the heart. The lining of the heart is very important because it plays an important role in protecting the heart from damage, and so pericardial mesothelioma is a very serious condition. Pericardial mesothelioma is an incurable disease if not treatedaggressive in its infancy.

Like all other forms of mesothelioma is pericardial mesothelioma caused by inhaling asbestos dust and fibers. Once inhaled, asbestos fibers are lodged in the lungs. From the lung, the fibers can either pass into the lymphatic system and are then transported to the lining of the lungs, or they can gradually move over to the lining of the heart over a long period of time. Over a long period, asbestos fibersaccumulate on the lining of the heart and that is when a pericardial mesothelioma is likely. Due to the fact that asbestos remains in many public buildings, is the possibility of pericardial mesothelioma for all to reality, although for most, very unlikely.

Those with the highest probability of mesothelioma are those who are so short in constant contact with mesothelioma, for a long time as a couple of months have been. These are people whosuch as construction workers and asbestos manufacturers. Those who are in contact with people who are constantly exposed to asbestos are also at risk due to the fact that the asbestos fibers clothes and hair and then stick can be carried out.

Currently, the increasing cases of mesothelioma, including pericardial mesothelioma. Older people are approaching between 60 and 70 years are just beginning to suffer from pericardial mesothelioma because of its long latencyPeriod (the time to show the symptoms) from 30 to 50 years. They suffer, because it was the generation that worked with asbestos and with asbestos, when asbestos was a very popular building material in the 1950s - 1970s. These men are now lodging multi-million dollar lawsuits against the company exposed them to the dangers of asbestos.

Pericardial Mesothelioma has a range of symptoms, but these only take effect in later stages of cancerwhen there are almost fully developed and mature. These symptoms include persistent cough, shortness of breath, chest pain and palpitations. Other symptoms that are typical for all types of mesothelioma include loss of appetite, nausea and weight loss. What often makes pericardial mesothelioma is so difficult to manage, that the symptoms are typical of many other more common diseases, such as pneumonia, for example. To be treated effectively, it must be dealt with pericardial mesotheliomaaggressive in its early stages and treatments as many patients was too late because of a delay in diagnosis.

Treatments for pericardial mesothelioma are very limited and yet success rates for treatment of pericardial mesothelioma are very small. The survival chances of a patient depends largely on how early the cancer is treated and how aggressively. Treatments are chemotherapy, radiation therapy, dual therapy and surgery. In the case of chemotherapyDrugs are trying to to kill cancer cells. Radiation therapy uses radiation to try to kill cancer cells, although this is extremely difficult in the case of pericardial mesothelioma, because too much radiation can severely damage the heart.

Dual therapy is a combination of both chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Surgery is in two different types, aggressive surgery and palliative procedures. Aggressive surgery is used only on the strongest of the patients, as young andhealthy men and consists of removing a large proportion of cancers and try to win to take control of the cancer. Palliative procedures are a passive way of dealing with pericardial mesothelioma and just trying to relieve the patient of the symptoms.

Research is being done to try pericardial mesothelioma in research stations across the United States and many pharmaceutical companies also find new drugs for chemotherapy. To date, much research has beenunsuccessful.

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Mesothelioma Lawyers - Treatment Information, Clinical Trials, Hospitals and Specialists, Attorneys / Lawyers - Mesothelioma information for patients and families. Mesothelioma is a tragic disease with a complex and confusing array of treatment options. Physicians and scientists across the country working with patients through clinical trials to develop innovative and improved treatment options. If you or a family member have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, one of the most importantSteps that you can make is the doctors who are in training and the latest treatments mesothelioma experienced partner. Please do not hesitate to our company for more information about the available treatment centers contact and visit our News page for the latest information about Mesothelioma. Belluck & Fox Mesothelioma prosecuted cases in New York City and in every community in New York State.

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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Legal assistance and support for mesothelioma patients - Video

Has your doctor diagnosed you with Mesothelioma? We are the law firm that helps mesothelioma patients. In this video, we have been helping victims of asbestos since 1974. We have all the information you need to make an informed decision about legal counsel. Find out more about your treatment options, such as surgery, chemotherapy or clinical trials, all on our website. Call us to discuss your case 877.622.5246 or visit

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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Anti-angiogenesis therapy - A New Approach To Mesothelioma

Introduction - What is Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma, a cancer of the lining of the lungs, chest and abdominal attacks, is one of the most popular types of cancer in the world today. It is a fatal, incurable disease reported - some statistics show that 9 will die in 10 mesothelioma patients from the disease within 3 years. Only 5% survive more than 5 years after diagnosis.

Mesothelioma is caused by exposure to asbestos, a flexible,heat-resistant mineral fiber that was widely used in various industries, including shipbuilding, construction and mining encountered. Since the link between mesothelioma and asbestos was discovered to have numerous actions brought by victims against the company filed for exposure. New laws to deal with asbestos came into force.

Since that time, research on potential mesothelioma treatment has continued, with varying results. One of thenewer therapies is being investigated as anti-angiogenesis-based therapies.


The term "anti-angiogenesis" comes from angiogenesis, a word that means the growth and development of new blood vessels. As cancers progress, they quickly outgrow the blood supply to them through the blood vessels of the body available and need to grow their own system of blood vessels to obtain an adequate supply of oxygen and nutrients. Without these new blood vessels, the cancer can not growand to disseminate.

As anti-angiogenesis therapy Works

Anti-angiogenesis therapy is to prevent cancer cells to grow new blood vessels, thus slowing down or even stop the development of cancer. It does this by targeting the two chemicals in the body that regulate blood vessel growth: basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). The latter chemical is particularly important for mesothelioma patients, tests havefound that people with mesothelioma showing VEGF levels much higher than those of patients with other types of cancer. These results suggest that mesothelioma can have a strong binding to VEGF, and thus may be better to treatments that target VEGF.

One tested the experimental drug against mesothelioma is bevacizumab. This medication is for use in patients with renal, breast, ovarian and prostate cancer testing, among others.Currently, the results of a study) in 2005 to the end, and compared the efficacy of bevacizumab against two chemotherapy drugs (gemcitabine and cisplatin, which are analyzed and not be released.

Whether anti-angiogenic therapy is a viable treatment or cure for mesothelioma remains to be seen. While suffering scientists find new ways to fight against mesothelioma, still thousands of people from this devastating disease.

More informationof mesothelioma and asbestos, visit for funds that the lawyers of Williams Kherkher mesothelioma made available.

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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Lung cancer and smoking

According to the American Cancer Society, lung cancer is now the leading cause of cancer deaths in women. In 2006 an estimated 162,460 deaths resulted from lung cancer, and these deaths were an estimated 79,560 of them women. At first glance, the figures could not so alarming. But what is alarming is the fact that "increased from 1960 to 1990 deaths from lung cancer in women by more than 400% ( Do you need a moment to digest themStatistics? I know I did.

In addition to leading the leading cause of cancer death in women, the National Cancer Institute reported that the expected 5-year survival for all patients who are diagnosed with lung cancer is 15.5 percent compared to 64.8 percent for colon, 89 percent for breast and 99.9 percent for prostate cancer. In addition, approximately 6 out of 10 people with lung cancer within 1 year will be diagnosed with the disease (Lungusa).

After reading the data, Idid some research to uncover the cause of such a high incidence of lung cancer overall, and particularly among women. Studies show that while lung cancer can be caused by smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer in the United States, causing an estimated 90 percent of cancer cases by smoking through a variety of factors, including asbestos and environmental pollution. 5 What this means that 90 percent of cancers are preventable, and in 2006, the 79,560 women who died,71,685 of those deaths were senseless.

To understand the numbers, as seen from the perspective of a lay off, which is correlated them: more people died from smoking in a year when it began to sacrifice American military in Iraq since the war in 2003, and murdered more than in the United States in 2005th

Therefore, he asks to be noted that when lung cancer is preventable, why choose to smoke more than 1.1 billion people, more than 1 / 6 of the total population of the world andIngest harmful tobacco products? This includes 33% of Africa's population, 57% of people in the United States 72% of Europeans, 48% of people from Southeast Asia, 39% of the eastern Mediterranean countries, and 68% of people in Western Pacific nations (World Health Organization, 2000 estimates).

The short answer is: addiction.

In this sense, I struck out to learn more about the history of the cigarette to learn. I was quite educational. In addition to you with a history of the cigarette,This article will also educate you on the lung cancer risk is not on your body, steps you can take to prevent this, methods of screening and resources. I hope to learn what you will be permitted on the following pages, a decision that could save a life.

History of cigarette

The main ingredient in a cigarette is tobacco. Tobacco in cigarettes is usually a mixture of several types of tobacco leaves, which have the effect of euphoria on the nervous system. Tar, a byproduct ofthe cigarette is formed when the cigarette is lit. Nicotine is also part of the make up of the tobacco leaves. When lighted a cigarette and inhaled the smoke, nicotine enters the blood vessels of the mucous membranes, skin and lungs, and then directly to your brain [in seconds], increasing adrenaline production, stimulating neurons in the brain that cause "good" feelings a person to want to the action that caused that feeling (addiction continued) stimulates the repetition promoteProduction and release of endorphins, which cause feelings of euphoria. (

One was with the tobacco product for thousands of years. Studied Native Americans smoked before the arrival of Europeans, and the practice is also depicted in early Mayan art from 1500 years ago, when tobacco was used as a medicinal remedy. In the 16th Century was smoking common among all sailors. The cigar was later popular in England in the 1820s years. TheCigarette soon appeared in Spain. During the First World War, tobacco products were included in military rations. After the war, manufacturers began advertising cigarette smoking as glamorous, and the rest, as they say, is history (Wikipedia).

If the manufacturers recognized the marketability of the cigarette they were smoking in learning, how to get more people interested in it, too. Advertising was one way. The other way was to additives in cigarette smoking less harsh, more tasty ... and includemore addictive. Today there are over 599 known additives in cigarettes, which were approved by the United States (U.S.) government. What most people do not know is that while some of these additives safe and can be found in everyday foods, others are extremely dangerous if ingested, and combustion additives produce these chemical compounds are toxic.

Some of the additives contained in cigarettes, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, formaldehydeand hydrazine, among others. These harsh chemicals have no natural place in a human body and even to a layman it is obvious that these products be harmful, as would be received. Carbon monoxide, smoke, for example, a poisonous gas in car exhaust fumes, if inhaled, they have found, can fatigue, nausea, disorientation and pain in the chest lead. Hydrogen cyanide is used to make fibers, plastics, was dyes, pesticides, and is used under the name Zyklon B as a genocidal agent during World War ammonia, a budgetCleaners, skin, eye, nose, throat and lungs causing irritation. Formaldehyde is the production of building materials and preserve the bodies. It causes watery eyes, burning eyes, nose and throat, coughing, wheezing and skin irritation. Together with the other additives in a cigarette, every time a smoker lights up and is breathing, they are inhaling a "cocktail" of carcinogens, the creation of a variety of diseases in the body and hastens death. At the same time as thephysiological and psychological rewards are so immediate, most smokers after just one cigarette are on the path to addiction. Nowadays, cigarettes can be found just about everywhere, to neighborhood grocery stores, gas stations, street vendors and on-line.

Seizing on the lucrative business of addiction, cigarette manufacturers produce approximately 5.5 trillion cigarettes each year worldwide. China, the United States, Russia and Japan, the four largest producers-manufacture justmore than half the supply in the world. In 2004, China produced 1.79 trillion cigarettes, 32 percent of the global total. The United States produced 499 billion, 9 percent of the total population. ([])

There are billions of dollars spent each year to target current smokers and recruit new ones. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), major manufacturers such as China National Tobacco Company (China), Altria Group, Inc. (formerly Philip Morris Companies)(USA), British American Tobacco PLC (UK), Japan Tobacco (Japan), R J Reynolds Tobacco (USA), Reemtsman (Germany), Altadis (France and Spain), among other things, spend too much money to market tobacco . The United States alone spends more than $ 10 billion U.S. dollars. These include advertising resources for retailers to accelerate sales.

The marketing is aimed at both adults and adolescents, especially hunting of the naivete, rebellion, experimentive kind of young adults. CigaretteBrands such as Virginia Slims and Capri designs appeal to young women, wanted to look to lure more mature, more feminine and sexy, and the Joe Camel and the Marlboro Man to young lads who want to look cool, tough and grown up. Cigarette manufacturers went so far as to give cigarettes names that appeal to younger people. Agreed upon by the public outcry from stakeholders, this year, J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., and in particular the use of candy, fruit and alcohol names of purchased cigarettes that mayAppeal to the children, was MochaMint the company with names like Twista Lime, Warm Winter Toffee "and" Winter.

In the 21 Century has obviously strengthened its marketing efforts to target young people, shows the tenacity of the tobacco companies to keep what could their most loyal customers, despite the more than 40 years of opposition from the public and private sectors. Tries in the late 1960s, young people began to curb exposure to cigarette advertising with the prohibition ofTV and radio spots. [But] ... the proportion of high school students who smoked rose from 27.5 percent in 1991 to a peak of 36.4 percent in 1997, driving back to 28.0 percent in 2000). This increase ... was one of the factors that prompted a review of regulatory policy, culminating in the November 1998 Master Settlement Agreement (MSA) signed by tobacco manufacturers and forty-six states attorneys' general bans tobacco manufacturers from "action by directlyor indirectly, is by the youth in each state Settling goal in advertising, promotion and marketing of tobacco products. "As a blanket ban on targeting youth, the provision applies to all types of advertising, including transit ads, posters and magazines (Healthaffairs). Today, in most countries there are age restrictions on the purchase of cigarettes by young people.

As awareness of the health disadvantages of smoking and other tobacco products in the forefront of publicAwareness, has seen the public with more broadcast advertising, public service announcements, smoking education campaigns to increase awareness, lobbying for a smoke-free movies and the transfer of non-smoking laws in certain buildings, states and even countries. In countries around the world, such as Armenia, Argentina, Australia, Canada, Cuba, France, India, Lithuania, Malaysia, Norway, Singapore, South Africa, Spain and Turkey, smoking in certain public places or in the workplace is prohibited. As always, theCigarette manufacturers try to exploit opportunities to create the advertising for Non smoking to their advantage to hire large cigarette vendor PR agencies to ensure that they are soft marketing, "Non smoking" ads that would be found to draw in more smokers.

In addition to the loss of profits from the prohibitions against smoking counters and public outcry in the 1980s is in the United States and other countries, aggressive marketing through the continents of Asia and Africa, whereCigarettes are sold in television, radio and print advertising, in schools, sports and music events, and even subtle, in the form of sponsorship for charity events. However, there are thousands of organizations to ban smoking to educate teens and adults at about smoking and health related issues, such as lung cancer, emphysema, heart disease, other diseases.

What is Lung Cancer and Your Body

While all the advertising inundates the public with images such as "sexy"Smokers should be, what they do not show the ugly side of smoking, as it eroded spots, and damage the teeth, palate, pharynx, esophagus, lung, and inevitably, threatens your life. Granted, not everyone who smokes gets lung cancer and dies, it is proven that cigarettes help to develop lung cancer.

Lung cancer occurs when cells begin to grow uncontrollably at random, leading to tumors in the bronchial tubes, mucous glands, and in the vicinity of the air sacs and surfacethe lung. These tumors grow rapidly into larger tumors and can eventually spread throughout the body and in the chest, bones, spine or other organs. The more rampant the cancer in a body that is the greater chance one of many tumors, organ failure, and a lower chance of survival.

Lung Cancer Prevention / Detection / screening / treatment

There are several stages to prevent the occurrence of lung cancer. First, if you are a non-smoker, you promise that youNever pick up a cigarette. Secondly, second-hand smoke inhalation. Also, since lung cancer can be caused by environmental toxins such as radon gas and asbestos, it is important to be aware of their existence and avoid exposure.

For people who may have a history of lung cancer in their families, lung cancer will be detected by screening on x-rays, CT scans, biopsies, examination of spitting mucus and blood tests. Lung cancer at an early stage has no noticeable symptoms;But as it progresses, there may be lumps, cough, bloody sputum, shortness of breath, chest pain, recurrent pneumonia or bronchitis, weight loss and fatigue.

After, there is currently no approved screening test for lung cancer that has been proven to improve survival or to detect localized disease. However, there are many studies to find the way to achieve an appropriate screening tool. If detected early, lung cancer can be treated, depending on the nature and extent ofcancer. In cases where the localized cancer in the lung, surgery can remove the tumor. If the cancer has spread across the chest, chemotherapy and radiation are used as therapy. Some patients can even choose to lung transplantation, where the diseased lung is replaced by a healthy have.

Resources / Initiatives

For those who try to quit, the good news is that there are a variety of resources, nationally and internationally, helping people to quit. InternationalOrganizations like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the World Health Organization (WHO) have extensive information and resources on their websites to educate the public about the dangers of smoking. In 1998, the WHO Tobacco Free Initiative founded (TFI), the establishment of global tobacco policy and focusing international resources on the global tobacco epidemic is dedicated.

The American Cancer Society, the National Cancer Institute and are among the manyOrganizations, information, education and resources to provide smokers quit. There are telephone, online, group and one-on-one support groups, funded by government and municipalities to provide counseling. Some people use and therapy, various drugs, including the patch, hypnosis and nicotine pills to help them to quit.

To end one of the key factors and sticks them with a strong support system. If you try to stop or to help someone quit,Please note that cigarette smoking is extremely addictive and that people who can stop trying to anxiety, depression and irritability experience as it has the nicotine their bodies crave the revenue used to. Because, as nicotine is addictive, giving some people to leave or to experience relapses in smoking after only a short time. Therefore, it is very important to get much support from family and friends, because they can offer to leave memories of the benefits.


Besides the risk of lung cancer, there are a variety of other diseases that can develop health by smoking, including heart attack and stroke, blood pressure, respiratory diseases, cancers in other parts of the body and cardiovascular diseases. People who smoke also present other around them at risk. Women who smoke give birth to children with lower birth rates, children of parents who can respiratory diseases and people who develop second-hand smoke inhale smokehave a higher risk of developing lung cancer or other smoking-related diseases. (National Cancer Institute).

Then there are the economic disadvantages of smoking. After tobacco creates "... tremendously increased costs for health care ... diversion of agricultural land for growing food could the cost of fires and damage to buildings caused by careless smokers, the resulting increase causes of the insurance premiums, employee absenteeism, loss of employee productivity, widespread ...Environmental costs, causing massive deforestation ... Pollution, and the millions of discarded butts and cigarette packaging, waste streets and waterways ( "

In the United States from 1997 to 2001, smoking in $ 92 billion of annual productivity growth led losses, the world's smoking accounted for 10% of fire deaths, there were a total of [number of people] from fires caused by smoking kill [] 300,000 and the total cost of fires caused by smoking 27 billion U.S. dollars. In 2003,Cigarette litter accounted for 34% of rubbish collected on the coasts of the world, every year, 1,000,000 children start fires with lighters and from 2005 included the economic cost to the economy in the health sector was up of $ 300 billion U.S. dollars (.

Benefits of stopping smoking

On the other hand, there are a number of benefits for smoking. You can prevent health disorders such as emphysema, heart disease and lung cancer by smoking or not smoking assoon as possible. Stop as soon as possible to improve the quality and longevity of your life. According to the National Cancer Institute, there are almost immediate improvements in health, if a person smoking. Leave "within a few days, a person sense of taste and smell return, and breathing becomes easier, blood pressure, increased upon himself while smoking, begins to return to normal. Research has shown that people stop to the smoking before the age of 35 reduce theirRisk of diseases caused by tobacco by 90%, but older smokers can also leave it of great benefit. Even smokers who quit after being diagnosed with a disease with smoking to reduce the risk of complications and of dying from a disease caused by tobacco. "

The decisive thing is that I have is to leave me with you. Her life is in your hands - literally. You are in control. Smoking as addictive as it may be, is a choice. Each time a smoker lights up a cigarette andbreathing is that individual making a conscious decision to cause harm to his body, and every time you breathe the smoke of the cigarette smoker, he / she is harming others and the environment.

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