Tuesday, June 22, 2010

If asbestos tiles are a real problem

It is saying something for asbestos products. They are cheap, very resistant to heat and fire, extremely durable and robust, yet flexible enough to be installed in even the most difficult places. It is therefore not surprising that the asbestos tile was very popular until the 1980s. And as a matter of fact, some recent studies suggests that most of the floor tiles at that time consisted of two main components, vinyl and asbestos.

But as we all know that itUnfortunately, the other side of the story. As long as the asbestos tiles intact and remain intact, there is apparently, and according to many experts, no need to be concerned. Scratches or cracks to create, however little, enough of a threat to no one on site or nearby, to develop serious health issues, including mesothelioma, asbestosis and certain forms of lung cancer.

Mainly for financial reasons, many homeowners, the exact faceNature of the problem decide to put a new layer of different floorings on the asbestos floor tiles. This approach is questionable, though, as he can not fully resolve the problem of still microscopically small dust particles and toxic find their way out, get some air and potentially inhaled by the homeowners.

Certainly the better, even more costly it is to remove the damaged tiles asbestos completely. But this is no easy task. As a rule, all vinyl asbestos tilewere glued to the floor, and it continues to get the proper equipment to remove them. This is the reason why it can recommend a professional asbestos removal company to be hired for the job. I do not recommend to add that your "do-it-yourself" list, the risk for serious damage to your health is simply too high.

I have kidney cancer and it could very well be that I removed it to me, were exposed to asbestos while I helped my father, cutting and preparing asbestos sheets, which welater attached to the outer walls of the house. That was the mid-80s and will report after my illness and the properties of my cancer, it is quite possible that I began to develop my illness over 20 years. That would be pretty much in the time window where I was exposed in contact with the material covered on a daily basis in the course of several months.

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Peritoneal Mesothelioma Cancer - Symptoms and Treatment Options

Peritoneal mesothelioma, asbestos lung cancer, also known as, is a relatively rare form of cancer, mesothelioma, less than a quarter of all cases of mesothelioma. It's called peritoneal dialysis, because it is a tumor in the peritoneal membrane of the stomach appears.

Exposure to asbestos is the only known cause of this disease in the United States. Peritoneal mesothelioma have plagued patients with inhaled or swallowedAsbestos fibers usually associated with work activities. Symptoms do not occur until 20-40 years after contact with the mineral and its by-products. Malignant peritoneal mesothelioma is often fatal and patients who are afflicted by live an average of less than one year from the time of diagnosis.

Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma
The symptoms may be abdominal pain, swelling, a change in your bowel habits, such as more frequent amongDiarrhea or constipation, and clumps of tissue in the abdomen and unexplained weight loss.

Diagnostic Tools
Peritoneal mesothelioma is first detected by X-ray peritoneum or CT scans, peritoneoscopy (analysis) or a biopsy, where a tissue sample taken in for examination by a pathologist.

Treatment Options
Localized applications only treat the original cancer either by surgery or radiotherapy. A Peritonectomy is aOperation will be used when peritoneal mesothelioma is detected early. However, the symptoms are usually detected only in the most advanced stages because of the gradual development of symptoms. The complete removal of Caner by the operation is doubtful even in the earliest stages of the disease. The first 30 days after surgery are crucial. Unfortunately, the postoperative mortality rate in this operation is very high. Many patients do not do it through the process. In this sense, manymedical centers do not choose surgery as a viable treatment option plan at this time.

Regional chemotherapy origin peritoneal mesothelioma used in cases where the cancer is still localized to its point. This option is the treatment of disease employed in the early and late phases of the use of anti-cancer drugs. The drugs are injected directly into the abdominal cavity. Patients undergoing used weekly or biweekly treatments depending on the specific drugs.

An additionalProcedure referred to as adjuvant chemotherapy (regional chemotherapy) can be used immediately after surgery to reduce the likelihood that the cancer to reduce again. However, if the cancer is not completely removed by surgery, chemotherapy throughout the existence of cancer in an attempt to slow its development.

Type of treatment known as systemic treatments are used a second, if the cancer has metastasized (spread throughout the body). SystematicMesothelioma treatments are implemented either in earlier stages or late stages of peritoneal dialysis.

For peritoneal mesothelioma is often dormant for years for cancer is usually detected in the stages of its end. At this point, patients are too sick to handle intensive chemotherapy. Doctors choose non-aggressive palliative treatments at this time. Therapy goals at the head are concentrated on the rehabilitation of pain, malaise and weight loss as an attack on the disease.A type of pain often in the late states of this disease is caused by fluid deposits in the abdomen. Doctors try to reduce the pain and discomfort by draining the excess liquid by a process called abdominal paracentesis.

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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

How to Handle Asbestos in Your Home

Asbestos has been linked to many serious diseases. Asbestos was once a widely used construction material because it is strong and durable. If you live in a house that is over 20 years there is a possibility that asbestos in your home. Asbestos was removed, used in 1985 prohibited, but asbestos remains in force, unless removed. If you suspect that there is asbestos in your home, there are some things you can do.

Asbestos is not harmful if it is disturbed, such asthan during the reconstruction. The first thing to do is to stay calm. Even if you have asbestos in your house, you may not have been exposed to its harmful effects. Asbestos can not be identified solely appearance form, so it is important to try to call an inspector to the area of suspicion. Most asbestos in the roof can be found, wall panels, pipes and plates bathroom. If you suspect asbestos, it is best to let a professional deal with the situation. It is important not to disturb the area until afterTesting.

There are a few different ways to treat and remove asbestos from your home. Asbestos encapsulation or sealing is intact, where asbestos, a substance that prevents asbestos fibers from the air is always coated. If the asbestos is no longer intact and crumbles it should be removed or covered or damaged. It is important to seek the help of a professional in this matter.

Asbestos can be harmful if not handled properly. It is very important if youdamaged areas of suspicion that contained asbestos, that you review and if necessary removed. It is also important to remember that asbestos undamaged no immediate harm and, where the are coated to prevent further problems. Always handle asbestos properly serious situations and problems immediately.

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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Mesothelioma Treatment - How to influence the stage of the tumor does the type of treatment for mesothelioma?

The stage (extent) of a mesothelioma is an important factor in determining treatment options. Treatment options will also be used on the patient's condition, general health and individual preferences. This stage of the tumor helps in particular to decide whether the tumor is resectable () is functional or not.

Mesotheliomas are very resistant to treatment, regardless of their stage and it is always very important for patients to know the targethis or her own treatment before it has begun, the patient should know whether the target is the curative treatment plan or whether it is palliative. The patient also needs the treatment to be informed about the expected side effects and benefits. All these will help to make the patient, his / her opinion about the preferred type of treatment.

Early Stage Mesothelioma

The majority of stage I and some stage II and III potentially resectable mesothelioma,But there are exceptions. Resectability is not only the size of the tumor, but also on the histological type) (cellular type of cancer with the histological epitheliod were most favorable to the surgery. The location of the tumor and the general health of the victim are also considered before surgery is recommended.

Many patients with resectable pleural mesothelioma undergoing pleurectomy / decortication or extrapleural pneumonectomy surgical operationsRemove their tumor. Patients with peritoneal mesothelioma at an early stage could also benefit from surgery. Surgery is more likely result in long-term benefit in stage I cancers, where there is a better chance that most or all of the cancer can be removed. Some patients may have a long remission after extensive operations by experts. Surgery may still helpful for subsequent cancer, but the benefits are often only temporary.

The use of chemotherapy and radiotherapy as adjuvant therapySurgery is also very common, they can also be used as the most important therapy in the early stage of the tumor when the tumor is not functional due to a general poor health.

Other forms of palliative surgery for purposes, such as thorancentesis also be used to alleviate the symptoms in the early stages of cancer.

Finally, a patient can also choose to study participation in a clinical treatment to help discover new forms.

Late Stage Mesothelioma

Stage IVMesothelioma, mesothelioma, and many earlier stage, are not non-resectable by surgery because of the extent of the disease or because of one person be in a position to tolerate surgery. The main treatment options for this level include chemotherapy and radiation therapy to the tumor mass shrinks and relieves some of the symptoms of the disease. The goal of treatment is not curative at this stage and these types of treatment have serious side effects, the patient mustbe aware of. Patients should also participate in clinical studies available, there is little hope of survival with conventional methods of treatment.

Pain management is another important aspect of care for terminally ill patients. Some minor surgery and radiation therapy can help relieve pain if necessary. Doctors can also prescribe strong pain-killing drugs. Some people with cancer may hesitate opioids (like morphine) use, for fearsleepy all the time or addicted to them. But many people are very effective pain relief from these drugs without serious side effects. It is very important that you tell your doctor if you have pain, so that it can be treated effectively.

Recurrent mesothelioma

Some mesothelioma can repeat itself come (back) after the first treatment. When this happens, treatment options depend on the location of the cancer and the type of treatmentThis was previously prescribed for the patient. Most of the time of treatment is limited only palliative treatments. Chemotherapy could be used to shrink the tumor and relief for the symptoms to be. Clinical trials should be considered high, since there is very little hope for improvement with the use of traditional treatments.

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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What is Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a type of cancer usually affects the cells in one of the two areas of the body in almost 2,000 people annually. A possible affected area is the lining around the outside of the lungs, just inside of the ribs, known as pleural mesothelioma. The other can, organs are removed to the stomach at what time it is called peritoneal mesothelioma. The tumors may be associated with the disease, either benign (benign) or malignant(Cancer). The only known cause of malignant mesothelioma is a previous exposure to asbestos fibers, including chrysotile, amosite or crocidolite. Incurable disease symptoms this time may not occur to twenty years or so after exposure.

Asbestos manufacturers were all aware of the dangers of some seventy years ago, but decided to retain this information for themselves. Warnings to exposed asbestos disease did not come until the mid-1960s, but even then theWarnings were not sufficient to the cause. To this day, those who work around asbestos fibers do not fully warned of the situation and that they are at such high risk for the dreaded disease.

Pleural is the most common type of mesothelioma, for almost 75% of all cases reported concern about a tumor of the lung. Asbestos fibers in the pleura can be a tumor, as well as promote its growth. The malignant tumor does not depend on other processes for development.
While there is no current cure, pleural mesothelioma can be treated in a number of ways including: chemotherapy (and other drug-type therapy), radiotherapy, intra-operative photodynamic therapy and surgery. Experimental treatments such as gene therapy and immunotherapy are also becoming more popular, helping to improve lung function and reduce pain.
Peritoneal mesothelioma is less common but are still directly connected to asbestos exposure. It is not known how the Asbestos fibers has around a tumor in the thin membrane that many of the organs in the abdomen. Many believe that the fibers are easily swallowed and cast into the intestine, pulled finally through the intestinal wall into the abdominal cavity (thin membrane). Therapy for peritoneal mesothelioma include chemotherapy (drug therapy, and others), radiation therapy and surgery.

Other areas of the body is also aware that disease, a type of peritoneal house> Mesothelioma has been found testes, while one in pleural mesothelioma has the heart found in.

Benign (usually not life-threatening) mesotheliomas are not believed to be caused by asbestos exposure. Almost 70% of these cases occur in women and can be removed with surgery in general. Unfortunately, cystic mesothelioma a high chance of returning to benign away.

You or someone you love, if diagnosed with mesothelioma, has been lookingthe most up-to-date information available and get the best medical care. There are literally hundreds of resources available to you through support groups, both medical as well as within your community.

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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Mesothelioma and Asbestos Side Effects

a previous article I have cancer developed about the possible legal solutions asbestos may be in check when dealing with cases of mesothelioma or suffering, or. In this article I will briefly on other forms of situations or events perhaps, exposed to possible side effects, which lead to such cancers.

We may know that certain professions asbestos poisoning expose certain groups of people or mesothelioma. Generally, such cancers appear asResult of constant exposure or inhalation of fine dust from certain asbestos materials. Joint accounts are those in the construction and renovation industry, factories, asbestos materials supply to related industries, and so on. Although regulations have been passed to prohibit the use of asbestos in most countries, there are still some states or countries who ignore such rules, at the risk of their workers' health. Those who choose to attend to alreadybegun switching to other forms of property similar materials other than asbestos.

What is mentioned above is of direct interest in the trades that involved first-hand exposure to asbestos. One should also worried, even if you have only one end-user of such material in your houses of the workplace.

As time goes by, every form of the material will deteriorate. Wall paint will be to lose its color or withdraw, can begin metal parts, as a result of oxidation and rusteven plastic elements can begin to rot due to temperature variations depending on the intended use to make. Similarly, the user of asbestos products expect their ceiling or wall board partitions deteriorate as well.

Although this may appear on the common sense knowledge (now that we see on the behavior of other materials), there are a surprising number of people there who are not aware of such properties! And over the years, those inmates who work or live use on such premisesAsbestos materials may not even be aware of the daily exposure to such constant deterioration.

Think about it: If these materials are really that safe to handle and work with, why the workers handling asbestos and mounting plates provided in your area with face masks and gloves. It is their exposure during the installation to minimize! If this is the case, why does not require end users to access face masks when they are surrounded by asbestos material, and share? View theLogic?

Apart from that, are you with the necessary degree of protection if your organization is in the construction and renovation of the trade? If your company is trying its costs by cutting back on exposure to the required personal protective equipment to reduce?

As discussed above, regardless of which side of the spectrum, you are now, everyone needs to know the risks and potential exposure to asbestos-integrated environment. Remember that at the end of the day we shouldnot of potential resources and opportunities available to us to be ignorant in ensuring our personal well-being.

Remember, you owe it to yourself to work and live in a safe environment and asbestos. And if this is not the case, you, you have every opportunity and the right of the relevant issues to seek solutions to these mesothelioma and asbestos.

(Note: Readers should be aware that the views expressed above are those of the author and should not be construed as legalAdvice or to sanction it for final decision. Visit our website to learn more about mesothelioma, asbestos and solutions.)

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Thursday, June 3, 2010

The range of possible treatments Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a rare but deadly form of cancer. In this article we take a look at the three most common forms of treatment a patient can expect to undergo.

Mesothelioma is the Odder forms of cancer to find one. It is often associated with exposure to asbestos dust. The strange thing is when the exposure occurs, it can take between 30 and 50 years for mesothelioma cancer to the present. This long time with the difficulty associatedDiagnostic results in most cases is very discovered by the time the disease progressed. it approaches the standard treatment is nevertheless being followed.


The most common approach is a surgical intervention. A surgeon will attempt to remove the effect of mesothelium and other organic material. Joint operations involve the removal of part or all of the lung, diaphragm and parts of the abdomen. The mesothelium is the food that is attackedMesothelioma cancer and it runs across the chest and abdomen. Wherever possible, the cancer can spread out and go for the surgery.


Radiation therapy has long been a cancer treatment option for many different types of. Known by his lay name of "radiation", is the goal of using energy waves to kill cancer cells and reduce the size of cancer tumors. There are two types of radiation therapy. The first is the approach shot at the external raysthe body in the impacted area. The second is an internal concept, in which radioactive material is actually inserted into the cancerous area to kill the cells in question.


Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are often mixed together, but they are different. Chemotherapy is the introduction of anti-cancer drugs into the body to attack the cancer cells or inhibit their proliferation. Chemo can be made by ingestion of pills, but usually goes intravenous injections in liquidVeins.

Mesothelioma cancer is a difficult to beat, but it can be done. The process usually uses a combination of the above treatments.

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