Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Mesotherapy Products

Mesotherapy Products include a variety of substances that are injected during treatment and equipment for the injection materials supply these areas target. Substances used for treatment, compounds can be allopathic medicines, homeopathic substances, vitamins, plant extracts or other.

For cellulite treatment and localized fat reduction, practitioners use compounds that efficiently remove fat from the cells and move this fat into the general circulation to beburned in metabolism or excreted. Phosphatidlycholine or lecithin, is one such compound and is widespread. Caffeine, L-carnitine and the asthma drug aminophylline are other compounds used for fat reduction. Natural substances such as artichoke stimulate lymphatic flow to remove fat. Tiratricol, a drug originally developed to treat some types of thyroid cancer is also an efficient fat burning.

For Mesolift or facelifts with mesotherapy, several drugsto improve injection under the skin tone and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Estrogen derivatives such as 17 B-estradiol stimulate new collagen formation. Glycosaminoglycans is a natural connection, the links between the collagen fibers forms. Naturally occurring alpha hydroxy acids such as glycolic acid are also used for Mesolift.

The effect of many compounds used in mesotherapy assumed that improve by the addition of other compounds that increase or improve local circulation.Some of these vascular connections are improving pentoxifylline, Buflomedil, and the naturally occurring gingko biloba. To reduce pain during mesotherapy injections of local anesthetics for injection can "mix" should be added.

A number of specialized injection delivery devices have been developed for mesotherapy. These ensure that the needle only penetrates to a certain depth beneath the skin, usually five fifty-eight millimeters. Some devices are specially fitted for smaller syringes and needles,while others are used with larger needles. Automated devices often come with dose selection options.

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