Saturday, October 2, 2010

Mesothelioma and Homeopathy

Mesothelioma is a dreaded lung cancer caused by asbestos exposure. Although the symptoms of lung cancer do not occur immediately, the person may develop cancer after a few decades. It is the malignancy affecting serous membranes of the body. Although the prime site of affection is lung, other sites like abdominal or peritoneal pericardial also be affected.

Although the cancer is very rare, have the symptoms and signs in patients restless and agony. No final Cure has yet been found by medical experts. In the earlier stages of an operation in the form of resection is helpful, but the chances of recurrence are high. In later stages of chemotherapy and radiotherapy are performed. But today doctors institutes emphasize on clinical trials in patients of mesothelioma, as many studies are carried out ostensibly cancer. But the results are uncertain and the process can be very expensive.

Taking into account all> Options, many doctors now suggest alternative therapies such as homeopathy for fear called mesothelioma. The homeopaths around the world are considering various options for mesothelioma treatment. Although they boast not completely cure mesothelioma, they have very good results in terms of alleviating the symptoms of mesothelioma. The excessive coughing, chest pain and constitutional symptoms such as malaise, fever, orWeakness can be effectively treated with different homeopathic remedies.

One of the definitive treatment in homeopathy for mesothelioma is mistletoe. It is an immune therapy, is in the Supported the herb extracted from the Iscador mistletoe and administered to the patient in the form of injections or tablets. As the name suggests, the therapy aims to increase the suppressed immune system and give relief to the needy patients.

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