Friday, December 3, 2010

Mesothelioma and life expectancy

Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer, usually caused by asbestos exposure. When an individual is diagnosed with the disease, there are many questions that will invariably go through their minds. Perhaps the most important involves the patient's prognosis. This is what the life expectancy for someone diagnosed with mesothelioma?

As with any form of cancer, the survival rate for this state, depends heavily on how early it is diagnosed. If theDisease already in an advanced stage when it is first detected, it will require far more aggressive treatment with a reduced chance of success.

Unfortunately, the survival rate for mesothelioma has historically rather low. Many patients do not survive more than a year after diagnosis. The disease is often significantly before it is diagnosed distributed, making it more difficult to treat. This is due to the fact that an individual may be exposed to asbestoslive for decades before noticeable symptoms to present themselves.

In addition, patients diagnosed with mesothelioma are often 55 years or older, and the treatment, other diseases, their hamper.

The good news is that there are many long-term survivor of mesothelioma, which some of diagnosis, the following have lived a decade or more. Some doctors believe that these patients do not survive longer because of the special treatmentMethod, but because other health characteristics of each. In general, healthier patients with no other existing medical conditions likely to survive longer than those with additional diseases and conditions.

In terms of sheer numbers, statistics show that about 10 percent of people diagnosed with mesothelioma live at least five years since. About 40 percent of those diagnosed survive for at least a year. These figures aresignificantly higher than those of 20 years, were hoping to give doctors and patients alike.

A few other factors that influence survival rates include the specific type of mesothelioma, that individual, diagnosed with the size and location of the tumor, and whether the patient is a smoker. These factors, in addition to the patient's age, any existing medical conditions they may have and the severity of the cancer itself.

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