Combined surgery is one of the three main treatments for the management and cure of lung cancer with chemotherapy and radiation. In practice it is common for all three treatments, but how effective each treatment and the order or combination that is used in it will depend on the stage of disease.
Where is operated indications for surgery, a patient either through the use of minimally invasive surgery, traditional open surgery or palliativeSurgery.
Minimally Invasive Surgery
Minimally invasive surgery is indicated if the tumor is relatively small, is located in an easily accessible part of the lung and is primary in nature. Primary cancer is a tumor that is the place where it was found in the contrary to its origin, it has spread from another part of the lungs or the body.
Be made in minimally invasive surgery (two small incisions between 2 to 4 cm), used in the upper section of a camera that is connected to aHigh-definition TV screen and with which the doctor looks lead to the insertion of surgical instruments using the lower cut. For this reason, the minimally invasive surgery as a video-assisted thoracic surgery or VATS is indicated.
Minimally invasive surgery offers the possibility of far fewer complications compared with full, open surgery. The pain is significantly reduced because the ribs do not need on the ground and this also aids recovery, most patients and after a fewHours and discharged from the hospital after one or two days. The method provides a relatively high success rate.
Traditional open surgery
Traditional open surgery involves opening the chest cavity to ensure access to the tumor and lungs. An incision in the flank (side of the chest), used by the surgeon specialized instruments to spread the ribs and the lung openly made, providing access to the affected area. This form surgery brings with it a higherSpread risk of complications for the patient, and because of the rib, the patient will be some pain and a longer recovery period required extra time in the hospital.
Traditional open surgery may be necessary, because the cancer is in an inaccessible part of the lung or the patient's own anatomy speaks against using minimally invasive surgical techniques.
Palliative Surgery
Where the stage of lung cancer is incurable, surgery can achievenevertheless be taken to improve the quality of life and comfort of the patient. For example, if the tumor hinders airway surgery to remove the cancer is to relieve the obstruction if it does not cure the patient. Palliative surgery can minimally invasive or traditional open surgery and will undergo from the circumstances and the strength of the patient, the operation concerned.
Pre-and Post-Operative Treatment
Chemotherapy and radiationcan be used both before and after surgery. Pre-operative use of non-surgical treatment may be indicated where the cancer has reached a late stage, however, by reducing a tumor's size or the incidence of tumors at an early stage can be achieved, making the operation a viable way . Post-operative chemotherapy and radiation, are also often used to make sure no cancer cells are dying in the case of the operation entirely appropriate.
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