Medical tourism is the latest development in the privatization of healthcare services and is gaining in importance in developing countries like India. The term "Medical Tourism" is not tourism in the true sense of the word, ie it is not the purpose of tourism but also medical health package includes tourism. Tourism here refers to the provision of 'cost effective' private medical care in collaboration with the tourism industry for patients from abroad so that they could be well preserved,Health package.
Medical tourism or health package tourism covers broad spectrum of medical services and has become a common form of vacation. The goal of the medical tourism package is to mingle wellness and healthcare to recreation and leisure and to the best of medical tour package to foreign patients.
India has only recently in the global medical tourism map and medical tourism in India has been booming. McKinsey and the Confederation of Indian Industry oneStudy and noted that medical tourism in India has become a $ 1 billion business by 2012 could. Government and private studies estimate that medical tourism in India is growing by 30 percent per year.
India has the attention of foreign patients with high-quality treatment and services in private hospitals and those run by voluntary prisoner. Some of the plus points in India are offered to the international standard of medical care, high-end appliances, personal careMinimum and delays that have arisen at a fraction of the cost abroad.
India with its culture and scenic beauty is always a popular destination for foreign patients need medical, surgical and other specialized treatment and provider of medical cost package holidays. Many patients are with the Indian Medical package tour, as always, its Abdominoplasty with a trip to the fascinating Tajmahal Agra satisfied.
Indian hospitals like Apollo are in the clearMixture of first-class medical expertise at affordable prices, thus attracting foreign patients. Apollo Hospitals is one of the leading medical companies in India serving medical tourists from abroad.
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