Labor MP John MacDougall died Malignant Mesothlioma caused by asbestos. This was once again the poor prognosis of mesothelioma victims. All ex-shipyard workers are advised by their specialist mesothelioma Junction.Com immediately at the first sign of what can be symptoms of mesothelioma to ask.
MP John MacDougall, a Labor MP and close friend of British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, unfortunately, died at the age of 60, 13 August 2008,within 24 months after receiving the diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma. He died at Victoria Hospital in Kilkaldy and his funeral is scheduled for Monday, 18 set August 2008. He revealed in May 2007 that he had serious health problems.
After he is diagnosed with asbestosis, a lung at Guy's Hospital London Square. Mr. MacDougall is his fault asbestos disease to his work in the shipyards in 1960. That was before asbestos regulations have been developed and implemented by the world and wasNations. The average mesothelioma asbestos victims usually lives only 6 to 24 months after diagnosed.
Many mesothelioma treatment options are currently available, but they are still too emotionally asbestosis mesothelioma patients heal. The popular leader had vowed to beat the disease and return to work who are trying for a study a process that asbestos-related cancer mesothelioma is lost.
John MacDougallcontributed to his education, the excellent technical training, which gave Rosyth Naval Dockyard, their apprentices.
A boilermaker by profession, he was employed for a period as an engineer in the shipyard and then in the mines. From 1964 John worked at the RGC oil rig construction site in Methil. His political career began in 1982 when he elected to Fife County Council.
Even if the company has a total known about the dangers of asbestos and asbestos poisoningDecades, industrial tycoons and government departments continue to use or produce asbestos products to their profits, employee numbers and / or sustain economic growth.
However, lobbyists for asbestos-toxin and regulation of health concerns, and finally succeeded. As different as the effectiveness of asbestos mesothelioma law was written and implemented worldwide.
Shipbuilders, boilermakers, shipyard, are mining all terms that are statistically stacked with a high degree of occupationalAsbestos Risk. Even a very brief exposure to asbestos may be known to a number of chronic and serious medical dispositions as asbestos poisoning diseases.
For many years, asbestos insulation was a preferred thermal components of boilers for its heat resistant properties. What is asbestos and asbestos, which will look like this? All forms of asbestos consists of fibers with widths of less than 1 micron, which occur in bundles and have a very long lengths. This is seen as fibrillar. Asbestosidentify themselves with particularly fine fibers and is sometimes referred to as amianthus.
Thus Asbestos is a classification of minerals with a unique crystalline fiber structure. The main groups are: chrysotile (white asbestos), amosite (brown asbestos "), Crocodolite (" blue asbestos), tremolite (Amhibole) Anthrophyllite and actinolite. See photos of asbestos, asbestos pictures here
Why asbestos fibers are dangerous? The microscopically small fibers easily in the air. The asbestos fibers are theneasily be inhaled through the nose and mouth. It is lodged permanently in the lungs or other parts of the body. Breaking the body's immune system targets of these fibers, but the body acids excreted, the asbestos is not always resolved. The change caused by the asbestos fibers is as asbestos injuries. Asbestos Symptoms begin slowly and unnoticed. Since the asbestos particles are indestructible, builds connective scar tissue around them.
It can last for between 5 to 50 yearsthe first symptoms occur gradually asbestosis mesothelioma (asbestos disease mesothelioma is.) Shortness of breath with an absence of cough among the first symptoms of asbestos poisoning. If the scar tissue is allowed to develop not recognized, the presence of body acids causing some cells to mutate into malignant mesothelioma cancer cells. Once asbestosis, mesothelioma cancer had advanced to begin to weaken other organs from lack of oxygen.The heart is particularly vulnerable.
Occupational asbestos risk, even in modern industry, can no longer be emphasized. This issue will be once again the attention of environmental and health groups aware of the sad loss of John MacDougall, Labor MPs. He was a pillar in society, a member of the Scottish Constitutional Convention, Vice President and Treasurer of the Assembly of European Regions. He was alos asked if he would act as liaison between the AER and theConference Periphereal coastal regions.
For more information on the diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma and asbestos pictures on our website: Mesothelioma Junction.Com
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