Lung cancer is caused by uncontrolled rapid growth of the cells in the tissue. This type of cancer is most common and results in more than one per million deaths a year. This form of cancer is indicated by weight loss or hemoptysis or regularly running out of breath. It may be noted on chest radiograph as a CT scan. The treatment you get depends on the stage that one is in. cancer treatment include surgery, chemotherapy andRadiotherapy.
Lung cancers are classified according to the study including microscope. Classification is necessary because different types of cancer is treated differently. Large portion of lung cancer are carcinomas - malignant tumors that grow from epithelial cells. non-small and small cell lung cancer: Lung cancer is divided into two types. make non-small cell lung carcinoma and small cell lung cancer 80th 4% and 16 8% incidence of lung cancerCancer, respectively.
1. Non-small cell lung cancer
The combined non-small cell lung cancer together than their prognosis and management are the same, to some degree. Squamous cell lung carcinoma, adenocarcinoma and large cell lung cancer: they are further classified into three types. Squamous cell lung cancer will be located near a central bronchus. They account for 25% of lung cancers. Adenocarcinoma begins in the peripheral lung tissue. The cases ofAdenocarcinoma are the consequence of smoking. It accounts for 40% of non-small cell lung cancer.
2. Small cell lung cancer
This type of lung cancer is rare. It is sometimes called "oat cell" cancer. Most of the time, she of larger airways (bronchi primary and secondary) and from there they come at a rapid pace to grow. This type of lung cancer, if often associated with smoking.
These cancers areclassified on the basis of the site of origin such as breast cancer, but has spread to the lungs. Majority of lung cancers in children are secondary.
Lung cancer staging is to be assessed, used the level of spread of cancer from its original location. It is an important factor that determines the potential treatment of cancer lung cancer. The level starts from 1A to 4, with best prognosis 1A and 4 is worst.
Following are the symptoms of lung cancer: 1 Hoarse voice forever. 2. Sudden weight loss. 3. Feeling pain in the chest or abdomen. 4. Swallowing. 5. Loss of appetite. 6. Running out of breath. Many of the above symptoms are nonspecific. Over time they develop symptoms or signs, cancer has already spread from the place of origin. Very few people with this cancer have signs at the time of diagnosis of these cancers on routine chest radio noticedGraph.
The three leading causes of cancer are: carcinogens (those found in tobacco), viral infections, and ionizing radiation. If exposed, it causes changes to DNA in tissue from the bronchi of the lungs. With more and more accessible tissue damage, cancer.
Smoking is the leading cause of cancer. In a cigarette there are 60 different types of known carcinogens such as nitrosamines and radioisotopes. Smoking isbelieved to cause 80% of these type of cases. The risk is generally less in non-smokers. The time a person smokes proportional increases the chances of this cancer. There have been cases when a person stops smoking, the damaged cells will gradually been repaired. In the Non smoking, passive smoking is the major cause of lung cancer. Passive smoking is an inhaled by another person smoking.
2. Radon gas
The gas produced from the breakdown of radium. This gas iscolorless and odorless. Ionizing radiation exposure, the genetic material, mutations that sometimes turn cancer. Exposure to radon gas is the second major cause of lung cancer after smoking.
Asbestos is responsible for the emergence of a range of cancers, is one of them lung cancer. In Great Britain, asbestos accounts for 2 to 3% of total cases of this type of cancer.
Viruses are responsible for the development of cancer in lungsAnimals. And research has shown similar potential in humans.
Particulate matter has a direct link to lung cancer cases. The size and number of particles in the air determines the risk of lung cancer. If the particle concentration increases above 1%, then the chances of this increased by 14%.
Like other cancers, lung cancer by activating ocnogenes or startedinactivation of tumor suppressing genes. Ocnogenes are those genes that make people more susceptible to cancer. Ocnogenes of proto-ocnogenes, when exposed to certain carcinogens produced. In k-ras proto-oncogene, takes place mutations for 10 to 30% of lung adenocarcinomas. Tumor invasion, angiogenesis, apoptosis, cell configuration profile by the epidermal growth factor receptor regulated. Mutations and amplification of EGFR are common in non-small cellLung cancer. The basis for treatment with EGFR inhibitors, EGFR are also available made of mutation and amplification. Chromosomal damage can lead to loss of heterozygosity, which may result in the inactivation of tumor suppressor genes result. Damage to four of these chromosomes: 3p, 5q, are 13 and 17 qp common in small cell lung carcinoma. The p53, a tumor suppressor gene located on chromosome 17p is involved in most cases. c-Met, NKX2-1, LKB1, and PIK3A also mutated BRAF orstrengthened. Various genetic polymorphisms are in addition to this cancer. Some of them include polymorphisms in genes for interleukin-1, cytochrome P450, apoptosis promoters such as caspase-8 and XRCC1, DNA repair molecule. People with these polymorphisms on lung cancer are more likely to be exposed to carcinogens developed. Research has shown that MDM2 allele 309g a low-penetrant risk factor for the development of this is in Asians.
If a subject reported symptoms that could indicate in connection with lung cancer, then breast radio chart in the first stage carried out. The test shows the expansion of the mediastinium, atelectasis and pleural effusion. Although there is no radio graphic findings, but the indication is high, because things like the person, a heavy smoker with blood-stained sputum then CT scan can provide the required data. If findings are unnatural in the cells in the sputum, it will be multipliedRisk for this type of cancer. Early detection can be done by sputum cytologic examination combined with other screening tests. The differential diagnosis for those patients who show irregularities on the chest cardiograph consider cancer associated with lung together with non-malignant diseases. This view infectious causes such as tuberculosis or pneumonia. The above-mentioned diseases can lead to lung nodules.
Prevention, as always, is better thanHealing. Steps in this direction may have been of countries by identifying carcinogens and ban them but tobacco, which are the main cause is taken up by lung cancer is still common. The elimination of cigarette smoking first-hand target in the prevention of lung cancer. Steps to reduce passive smoking have also taken over by a ban on smoking in public places and workplaces. New Zealand is smoking in open spaces limited. A similar step is taken also of Chandigarh, India. Bhutan has criminalizedSmoking since 2005.
Screening for disease, do by medical tests, if the patient shows no symptoms seen. Chest radio or computer graphics, the tests used for screening of lung cancer. But the results have shown that screening tests for lung cancer has rarely shown a benefit.
The treatment of lung cancer can occur following ways depending on the stage or degree ofCancer:
When doctors have found lung cancer, then CT and positron emission tomography are usually used to check if the disease is found and surgery can be done, or it has up to the point where surgery is not possible moves. The operation can only be performed if spirometry shows good respiratory reserve, but if it is bad, then surgery is not possible. Even a surgical operative death rate of 4 4% but that is because the patient's lungsFunction and other factors.
Chemotherapy with radiation is used to treat small cell lung cancer. Primary chemotherapy is used in metastatic non-small cell lung carcinoma.
Radiotherapy, chemotherapy is given if the patient does not fit under go surgery. This type of high intensity radiation therapy is called radical radiotherapy. CHART (continuous hyperfractioned accelerated radiation therapy)is a refined version of this method is given in which a high dose of radiation for a short time. In cancer has a short section of the bronchi, then brachytherapy is given.
Lung cancer is the most common type of cancer. There are 1 35 million cases per year and 1 18 million deaths. Lung cancer among those who have a history of smoking develop over a long period of years, i. e 50 years and older. Besides smoking, passiveSmoking is also a factor that causes lung cancer. Also, emissions from factories, cars, power plants are a threat to human health. Lung cancer is found to have an interaction with sunlight and UV radiation. This is produced on effect of vitamin D in the skin during exposure to sunlight.
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