Mesothelioma is most difficult cancers to treat one of the. While knowledge has increased over the last few years, doctors and scientists alike still know relatively little about this aggressive disease, which the membranes encasing the lung (pleura strikes). What is known, is the challenge of finding effective treatments for both pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma.
Peritoneal mesothelioma
Pleural mesothelioma is themore common form of the disease, and as a result, doctors have a slight advantage in the treatment of this type. Patients who develop peritoneal mesothelioma often confronted promising predictions, but fewer options when the outlook less positive. The recent publication of results of the study by the Columbia University Medical Center in New York City on potential peritoneal mesothelioma treatments comes as welcome news - especially to New York Mesothelioma Lawyers, the, many patients suffer from the disease.
Study results
According to the American Journal of Oncology, the study tested a treatment regimen including surgery, multi-agent chemotherapy and intraperitoneal abdominal radiation. The results showed a median survival of 70 months and a three-year survival of 67%.
Why is this important?
During a three-year survival may not be much for the layman in good health, sound ofTruth is that every victory in the fight against mesothelioma is a big one. This cancer is different in many others, that doctors understand their cause, exposure to asbestos.
has produced today in the United States follow strict laws regarding the use of asbestos, but corporate greed in recent decades, a legacy of truly preventable cancer. Workers exposed to asbestos as long as 60 years can develop mesothelioma today.
If you or a loved one has beendiagnosed with mesothelioma, should be your first step to contact the court to a New York mesothelioma lawyer with experience in asbestos. There are limits to the time when you file, so that immediate action is essential to secure compensation.
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