Any disease eventually shows symptoms. Most diseases of the internal system are clearly visible and this rings. Mesothelioma has its own symptoms, but they tend to appear after a lot of damage is done, and the disease does not have many specific symptoms. Mesothelioma is a cancerous tumor in the occurring lining of the the lungs and chest cavity, often associated with exposure to asbestos dust.
A person with mesothelioma cancer usually develops symptomssuch as effort dyspnea (breathing) and reduced exercise capacity. The slow start and breathing difficulties are the most common presenting symptoms seen. The cancer that slowly covered the lung tissue and invade the chest wall produced, pleural effusion (pleural fluid - or fluid in the lungs or pleural cavity) in about seventy-five percent of the victims.
If the volume of the liquid increases some changes such as shortness of breath and sometimes painoccur from mild to pungent can. In some cases, the person may experience a dry cough. Usually when the doctor listens to the patient's chest with a stethoscope, normal breath sounds are muted, and tapping on the chest will reveal dull rather than hollow sounds.
Symptoms or signs include a disease of the respiratory cough, phlegm, and wheezing and can not often, but in heavy smokers which are normally associated bronchial inflammation occur. The chest radiograph shows diffusespread, small or irregular linear opacity (non-foil), usually most evident in the lower lung zones.
In these cases, only minimal radiographic changes visible and are easily mistaken for other diseases. Parenchyma tissue characteristic of an organ of the body and it can be seen by diffusion method or localized pleural thickening. The disease progress is completed in about 1-5 years, about 5% to 12% of patients whose exposure. As a result of a marked deterioration in theOxygen in the lungs is done together with respiratory insufficiency.
Many of these symptoms occur only in the advanced stages of the disease. The symptoms that are visible are often complaints such as colds, coughs and respiratory complaints. The occurrence of these symptoms also hampered minimal treatment options, and in turn affected his own life.
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