If lung disease is up to the point that the victim is likely within one or two years, instead of the organ is needed, advanced die extend the life of the patient. Drugs are no longer effective to control the disease. Even devices that help patients breathe, are insufficient. The diseased organ is removed and replaced with a lung transplant (LT). The challenge is finding a suitable donor.
Less than 2,000 LTS are performed each year. This is largely due to a lackDonors. Recipients are on a waiting list pending the payment of a healthy lung, that placed her life to preserve. Because of their short life expectancy, it is a race against time.
In this article we will explain the process of applying for and accepted on the waiting list recipients. We also describe the factors that dictate whether you may get a transplant.
Application and Check Accepted
Your doctor will help you decide whether a LT is the onlyOption, and if you are fit enough to accept the new organ. If both are true, your doctor may recommend you for the organ removal and transplantation Network (OPTN) list. You have to go through a screening process to confirm whether you are a good candidate for the list.
Not all hospitals performed lung transplants. The operations are usually in large medical institutions that support a full transplant staff, including a thoracic surgeon, cardiologist, and donePulmonologists. In most cases, you have to jump to a specific medical facility of the program.
Waiting for a suitable organ
As soon as you undergo the screening process and adopted at an installation program, the transplant staff assistance in preparation for receiving a new organ. This is done before a donor organ is available. This way you will be ready to react quickly when the time comes.
The frustration of Waiting
Since there is no establishedcan the date on which a lung transplant may be offered to wait to be frustrating. Every week goes by brings ensure that your will before a donor lung disease arises overwhelmed. In this sense, you should do everything possible to remain ready.
Unless your doctor tells you otherwise instructed, continue taking your medication as prescribed. If you smoke, quit. Change your diet and exercise routine to your doctor recommendations dovetail. If he or she has proposedBreathing exercises lead them.
You should also ensure that your family understands what they do in the event that a donor organ becomes available must. Time is critical. Rapid response can dramatically improve your chances for a successful start of lung transplantation. Pack your bags and get a one way for the Medical Center staff for you immediately if they expect a replacement organ is replaced.
Finally, if you accept the call, become a donor lung thatavailable to the transplant center. The nurses and doctors perform some final tests to make a good match before you to ensure the preparation for the operation.
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