The cases of mesothelioma have been increasing annually. This is a cause for concern for everyone because of that date, the disease is, like most forms of cancer, not curable. Researches and studies are ongoing in order to give the proper treatment for mesothelioma patients with the disease. Studies have shown that many patients diagnosed positive to chemotherapy, were reacted in whom the disease in its early stages, and extending the life expectancy of up tofive years. But there are unpleasant reactions, where the patient from the treatment, such as nausea and vomiting caused by moving to stop other drugs, these reactions could be minimized.
Combination therapy was also given to patients. A combination of cisplatin and pemetrexed is currently used by most oncologists and cancer specialists. But vary the treatment of patients really, since patients have different diseasesPresentation and they may not tolerate the same treatment protocols. The operation is also carried out effective mesothelioma treatment. Stop removal of the tumor at early stages of the disease may progress. It could also be done to prevent a large tumor in the later stages of the disease or alleviate symptoms of constipation and other complications it brings removed.
The radiation is in patients who can not tolerate surgery or chemotherapy because of their failing proposedDo health. Mesothelioma treated with irradiation is not much to the tumor, but may help in making the patient more comfort by stopping pain, bleeding and shortness of breath. Alternative treatments like massage and acupuncture will be done for mesothelioma patients, but there are no studies on their effectiveness. Clinical trials and studies are being continuously made to find a cure for mesothelioma. I hope with the help ofScience and the development of technology that could be given to patients disease-free survival in the coming years.
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