According to the American Cancer Society, lung cancer is now the leading cause of cancer deaths in women. In 2006 an estimated 162,460 deaths resulted from lung cancer, and these deaths were an estimated 79,560 of them women. At first glance, the figures could not so alarming. But what is alarming is the fact that "increased from 1960 to 1990 deaths from lung cancer in women by more than 400% ( Do you need a moment to digest themStatistics? I know I did.
In addition to leading the leading cause of cancer death in women, the National Cancer Institute reported that the expected 5-year survival for all patients who are diagnosed with lung cancer is 15.5 percent compared to 64.8 percent for colon, 89 percent for breast and 99.9 percent for prostate cancer. In addition, approximately 6 out of 10 people with lung cancer within 1 year will be diagnosed with the disease (Lungusa).
After reading the data, Idid some research to uncover the cause of such a high incidence of lung cancer overall, and particularly among women. Studies show that while lung cancer can be caused by smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer in the United States, causing an estimated 90 percent of cancer cases by smoking through a variety of factors, including asbestos and environmental pollution. 5 What this means that 90 percent of cancers are preventable, and in 2006, the 79,560 women who died,71,685 of those deaths were senseless.
To understand the numbers, as seen from the perspective of a lay off, which is correlated them: more people died from smoking in a year when it began to sacrifice American military in Iraq since the war in 2003, and murdered more than in the United States in 2005th
Therefore, he asks to be noted that when lung cancer is preventable, why choose to smoke more than 1.1 billion people, more than 1 / 6 of the total population of the world andIngest harmful tobacco products? This includes 33% of Africa's population, 57% of people in the United States 72% of Europeans, 48% of people from Southeast Asia, 39% of the eastern Mediterranean countries, and 68% of people in Western Pacific nations (World Health Organization, 2000 estimates).
The short answer is: addiction.
In this sense, I struck out to learn more about the history of the cigarette to learn. I was quite educational. In addition to you with a history of the cigarette,This article will also educate you on the lung cancer risk is not on your body, steps you can take to prevent this, methods of screening and resources. I hope to learn what you will be permitted on the following pages, a decision that could save a life.
History of cigarette
The main ingredient in a cigarette is tobacco. Tobacco in cigarettes is usually a mixture of several types of tobacco leaves, which have the effect of euphoria on the nervous system. Tar, a byproduct ofthe cigarette is formed when the cigarette is lit. Nicotine is also part of the make up of the tobacco leaves. When lighted a cigarette and inhaled the smoke, nicotine enters the blood vessels of the mucous membranes, skin and lungs, and then directly to your brain [in seconds], increasing adrenaline production, stimulating neurons in the brain that cause "good" feelings a person to want to the action that caused that feeling (addiction continued) stimulates the repetition promoteProduction and release of endorphins, which cause feelings of euphoria. (
One was with the tobacco product for thousands of years. Studied Native Americans smoked before the arrival of Europeans, and the practice is also depicted in early Mayan art from 1500 years ago, when tobacco was used as a medicinal remedy. In the 16th Century was smoking common among all sailors. The cigar was later popular in England in the 1820s years. TheCigarette soon appeared in Spain. During the First World War, tobacco products were included in military rations. After the war, manufacturers began advertising cigarette smoking as glamorous, and the rest, as they say, is history (Wikipedia).
If the manufacturers recognized the marketability of the cigarette they were smoking in learning, how to get more people interested in it, too. Advertising was one way. The other way was to additives in cigarette smoking less harsh, more tasty ... and includemore addictive. Today there are over 599 known additives in cigarettes, which were approved by the United States (U.S.) government. What most people do not know is that while some of these additives safe and can be found in everyday foods, others are extremely dangerous if ingested, and combustion additives produce these chemical compounds are toxic.
Some of the additives contained in cigarettes, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, formaldehydeand hydrazine, among others. These harsh chemicals have no natural place in a human body and even to a layman it is obvious that these products be harmful, as would be received. Carbon monoxide, smoke, for example, a poisonous gas in car exhaust fumes, if inhaled, they have found, can fatigue, nausea, disorientation and pain in the chest lead. Hydrogen cyanide is used to make fibers, plastics, was dyes, pesticides, and is used under the name Zyklon B as a genocidal agent during World War ammonia, a budgetCleaners, skin, eye, nose, throat and lungs causing irritation. Formaldehyde is the production of building materials and preserve the bodies. It causes watery eyes, burning eyes, nose and throat, coughing, wheezing and skin irritation. Together with the other additives in a cigarette, every time a smoker lights up and is breathing, they are inhaling a "cocktail" of carcinogens, the creation of a variety of diseases in the body and hastens death. At the same time as thephysiological and psychological rewards are so immediate, most smokers after just one cigarette are on the path to addiction. Nowadays, cigarettes can be found just about everywhere, to neighborhood grocery stores, gas stations, street vendors and on-line.
Seizing on the lucrative business of addiction, cigarette manufacturers produce approximately 5.5 trillion cigarettes each year worldwide. China, the United States, Russia and Japan, the four largest producers-manufacture justmore than half the supply in the world. In 2004, China produced 1.79 trillion cigarettes, 32 percent of the global total. The United States produced 499 billion, 9 percent of the total population. ([])
There are billions of dollars spent each year to target current smokers and recruit new ones. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), major manufacturers such as China National Tobacco Company (China), Altria Group, Inc. (formerly Philip Morris Companies)(USA), British American Tobacco PLC (UK), Japan Tobacco (Japan), R J Reynolds Tobacco (USA), Reemtsman (Germany), Altadis (France and Spain), among other things, spend too much money to market tobacco . The United States alone spends more than $ 10 billion U.S. dollars. These include advertising resources for retailers to accelerate sales.
The marketing is aimed at both adults and adolescents, especially hunting of the naivete, rebellion, experimentive kind of young adults. CigaretteBrands such as Virginia Slims and Capri designs appeal to young women, wanted to look to lure more mature, more feminine and sexy, and the Joe Camel and the Marlboro Man to young lads who want to look cool, tough and grown up. Cigarette manufacturers went so far as to give cigarettes names that appeal to younger people. Agreed upon by the public outcry from stakeholders, this year, J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., and in particular the use of candy, fruit and alcohol names of purchased cigarettes that mayAppeal to the children, was MochaMint the company with names like Twista Lime, Warm Winter Toffee "and" Winter.
In the 21 Century has obviously strengthened its marketing efforts to target young people, shows the tenacity of the tobacco companies to keep what could their most loyal customers, despite the more than 40 years of opposition from the public and private sectors. Tries in the late 1960s, young people began to curb exposure to cigarette advertising with the prohibition ofTV and radio spots. [But] ... the proportion of high school students who smoked rose from 27.5 percent in 1991 to a peak of 36.4 percent in 1997, driving back to 28.0 percent in 2000). This increase ... was one of the factors that prompted a review of regulatory policy, culminating in the November 1998 Master Settlement Agreement (MSA) signed by tobacco manufacturers and forty-six states attorneys' general bans tobacco manufacturers from "action by directlyor indirectly, is by the youth in each state Settling goal in advertising, promotion and marketing of tobacco products. "As a blanket ban on targeting youth, the provision applies to all types of advertising, including transit ads, posters and magazines (Healthaffairs). Today, in most countries there are age restrictions on the purchase of cigarettes by young people.
As awareness of the health disadvantages of smoking and other tobacco products in the forefront of publicAwareness, has seen the public with more broadcast advertising, public service announcements, smoking education campaigns to increase awareness, lobbying for a smoke-free movies and the transfer of non-smoking laws in certain buildings, states and even countries. In countries around the world, such as Armenia, Argentina, Australia, Canada, Cuba, France, India, Lithuania, Malaysia, Norway, Singapore, South Africa, Spain and Turkey, smoking in certain public places or in the workplace is prohibited. As always, theCigarette manufacturers try to exploit opportunities to create the advertising for Non smoking to their advantage to hire large cigarette vendor PR agencies to ensure that they are soft marketing, "Non smoking" ads that would be found to draw in more smokers.
In addition to the loss of profits from the prohibitions against smoking counters and public outcry in the 1980s is in the United States and other countries, aggressive marketing through the continents of Asia and Africa, whereCigarettes are sold in television, radio and print advertising, in schools, sports and music events, and even subtle, in the form of sponsorship for charity events. However, there are thousands of organizations to ban smoking to educate teens and adults at about smoking and health related issues, such as lung cancer, emphysema, heart disease, other diseases.
What is Lung Cancer and Your Body
While all the advertising inundates the public with images such as "sexy"Smokers should be, what they do not show the ugly side of smoking, as it eroded spots, and damage the teeth, palate, pharynx, esophagus, lung, and inevitably, threatens your life. Granted, not everyone who smokes gets lung cancer and dies, it is proven that cigarettes help to develop lung cancer.
Lung cancer occurs when cells begin to grow uncontrollably at random, leading to tumors in the bronchial tubes, mucous glands, and in the vicinity of the air sacs and surfacethe lung. These tumors grow rapidly into larger tumors and can eventually spread throughout the body and in the chest, bones, spine or other organs. The more rampant the cancer in a body that is the greater chance one of many tumors, organ failure, and a lower chance of survival.
Lung Cancer Prevention / Detection / screening / treatment
There are several stages to prevent the occurrence of lung cancer. First, if you are a non-smoker, you promise that youNever pick up a cigarette. Secondly, second-hand smoke inhalation. Also, since lung cancer can be caused by environmental toxins such as radon gas and asbestos, it is important to be aware of their existence and avoid exposure.
For people who may have a history of lung cancer in their families, lung cancer will be detected by screening on x-rays, CT scans, biopsies, examination of spitting mucus and blood tests. Lung cancer at an early stage has no noticeable symptoms;But as it progresses, there may be lumps, cough, bloody sputum, shortness of breath, chest pain, recurrent pneumonia or bronchitis, weight loss and fatigue.
After, there is currently no approved screening test for lung cancer that has been proven to improve survival or to detect localized disease. However, there are many studies to find the way to achieve an appropriate screening tool. If detected early, lung cancer can be treated, depending on the nature and extent ofcancer. In cases where the localized cancer in the lung, surgery can remove the tumor. If the cancer has spread across the chest, chemotherapy and radiation are used as therapy. Some patients can even choose to lung transplantation, where the diseased lung is replaced by a healthy have.
Resources / Initiatives
For those who try to quit, the good news is that there are a variety of resources, nationally and internationally, helping people to quit. InternationalOrganizations like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the World Health Organization (WHO) have extensive information and resources on their websites to educate the public about the dangers of smoking. In 1998, the WHO Tobacco Free Initiative founded (TFI), the establishment of global tobacco policy and focusing international resources on the global tobacco epidemic is dedicated.
The American Cancer Society, the National Cancer Institute and are among the manyOrganizations, information, education and resources to provide smokers quit. There are telephone, online, group and one-on-one support groups, funded by government and municipalities to provide counseling. Some people use and therapy, various drugs, including the patch, hypnosis and nicotine pills to help them to quit.
To end one of the key factors and sticks them with a strong support system. If you try to stop or to help someone quit,Please note that cigarette smoking is extremely addictive and that people who can stop trying to anxiety, depression and irritability experience as it has the nicotine their bodies crave the revenue used to. Because, as nicotine is addictive, giving some people to leave or to experience relapses in smoking after only a short time. Therefore, it is very important to get much support from family and friends, because they can offer to leave memories of the benefits.
Besides the risk of lung cancer, there are a variety of other diseases that can develop health by smoking, including heart attack and stroke, blood pressure, respiratory diseases, cancers in other parts of the body and cardiovascular diseases. People who smoke also present other around them at risk. Women who smoke give birth to children with lower birth rates, children of parents who can respiratory diseases and people who develop second-hand smoke inhale smokehave a higher risk of developing lung cancer or other smoking-related diseases. (National Cancer Institute).
Then there are the economic disadvantages of smoking. After tobacco creates "... tremendously increased costs for health care ... diversion of agricultural land for growing food could the cost of fires and damage to buildings caused by careless smokers, the resulting increase causes of the insurance premiums, employee absenteeism, loss of employee productivity, widespread ...Environmental costs, causing massive deforestation ... Pollution, and the millions of discarded butts and cigarette packaging, waste streets and waterways ( "
In the United States from 1997 to 2001, smoking in $ 92 billion of annual productivity growth led losses, the world's smoking accounted for 10% of fire deaths, there were a total of [number of people] from fires caused by smoking kill [] 300,000 and the total cost of fires caused by smoking 27 billion U.S. dollars. In 2003,Cigarette litter accounted for 34% of rubbish collected on the coasts of the world, every year, 1,000,000 children start fires with lighters and from 2005 included the economic cost to the economy in the health sector was up of $ 300 billion U.S. dollars (.
Benefits of stopping smoking
On the other hand, there are a number of benefits for smoking. You can prevent health disorders such as emphysema, heart disease and lung cancer by smoking or not smoking assoon as possible. Stop as soon as possible to improve the quality and longevity of your life. According to the National Cancer Institute, there are almost immediate improvements in health, if a person smoking. Leave "within a few days, a person sense of taste and smell return, and breathing becomes easier, blood pressure, increased upon himself while smoking, begins to return to normal. Research has shown that people stop to the smoking before the age of 35 reduce theirRisk of diseases caused by tobacco by 90%, but older smokers can also leave it of great benefit. Even smokers who quit after being diagnosed with a disease with smoking to reduce the risk of complications and of dying from a disease caused by tobacco. "
The decisive thing is that I have is to leave me with you. Her life is in your hands - literally. You are in control. Smoking as addictive as it may be, is a choice. Each time a smoker lights up a cigarette andbreathing is that individual making a conscious decision to cause harm to his body, and every time you breathe the smoke of the cigarette smoker, he / she is harming others and the environment.
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